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Page 25
el =extremo= end, extreme
=f�cil= easy
la =facha= appearance
la =falta= lack, wrong, fault; =hacer---(a)= be needed (by); =que
buena--le hace= because it needs it very much
=faltar= lack, be lacking, fail; =le faltan las fuerzas= he lacks
la =familia= family
=famoso,-a= famous
la =fatiga= fatigue
=fatigado,-a= fatigued, worn out
=fatigar= tire, overwork
=fatigoso,-a= fatiguing; =de un modo=--with great difficulty
la =fe= faith
=feliz= happy
=femenino,-a= feminine
=feo,-a= ugly, homely
=fiarse (de)= trust
la =fiera= wild beast
=fijamente= fixedly
=fijar= fix
el =fin= end; =al--, en--, por=--finally, after all, in short; well
=la fineza= favor, kindness; =procurar�=... I shall try to give you a
choice morsel
=firme= firm; �=--=! steady!
=firmemente= firmly
=f�sico,-a= physical
=flaco,-a= thin, lean
=flaquear= give way _(as one's legs)_; grow weak _or_thin
el =fondo= bottom, depth
el =forastero= stranger; _adj_. strange
=formar= form, make
=formular= formulate, give (_a groan or whine, etc._)
la =fortuna= fortune, good fortune; =por=--fortunately
=Fortuna= _prop. noun_
el =f�sforo= _(phosphorus)_ match _(which is poisonous)_
la =frase= phrase, saying
el =fray =fraile= friar, brother; =--Lu�s de Le�n= _a great Spanish
poet_, 1528-1591
=frecuente= frequent
la =frente= brow, forehead; =con la--alta= with his head high; _m_.
front; =de=--in front
el =fresno= ash _(tree)_
=fruncir:--el entrecejo= frown, knit one's brows
=fu�=: _see_ =fu�=
el =fuego= fire; =hacer--(a)= fire (at), shoot
la =fuente= spring, fountain; platter
=fuera= _imp. subj. of_ =ser= _and_ =ir=
=fuerte= strong, vigorous, loud
la =fuerza= force, strength, power; =--s= strength; =con=--with all
(one's) might; =por=--of course; =a--de= by dint of; =con m�s=--louder;
=con gran=--hard
=fu�, fuiste, fu�=, _etc., pret. of_ =ir= _and_ =ser=; =fueron saliendo=
came out of
la =funci�n= function, duty
=funesto,-a= sad, fatal
la =furia= fury, rage; =con=--furiously
=furioso,-a= furious; =se abalanz�=--threw himself furiously
el =galope= gallop
la =gana= _or_ las =--s= desire; =de buena=--gladly, willingly; =se les
pasaban grandes--de saber= were very anxious to know; =tener--de= wish
la =garganta= throat
el =garrote= heavy, stick, club
=gatas: a=--on all fours
el =gemido= groan, whine
=gemir (i)= groan, moan, whine
=general= general
=generalmente= generally, usually
la =gente= people
la =gimnasia= gymnastics; =hacer la=--practise athletics; =ejercicios de
la=--gymnastic exercises
el =gimnasio= gymnasium
=girar= revolve, whirl
el =gobierno=: _see_ =ama=
la =golondrina= swallow
=Golondrina= _nickname_
la =golosina= tidbit, choice morsel
el =golpe= blow, knock, beating; =de=--with a bang
=golpear= beat, strike
la =gota= drop; =--a=--drop by drop
el =gozo= joy
=gracias= I thank you, thanks; =--a Dios= Heaven be thanked, thank God
=gran=: _see_ =grande=
=gran(de)= large, great; =--s ruegos= earnest supplications
la =gratitud= gratitude
=grave= grave, serious; ill
la =Grecia= Greece
=gritar= shout; =le grit�= shouted at him
el =grito= shouting, scream, cry, shriek; =dar--s= shout; =a voz en=--at
the top of his voice
el =gru�ido= growl; =lanzando un=--growling
=gru�ir= growl; =--sordamente= give a low growl
el =grupo= group
el =guarda= guard, keeper
la =guardesa= keeper, keeper's wife
el _or_ la =guardia= guard; =la--civil= (rural) police; =el--civil=
(rural) policeman
la =guerra= war
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