Fortuna by Enrique Perez Escrich


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Page 26


=ha= _pres. ind., 3d pers. sing., of_ =haber=
=haber= have; be there,, be; =hay (hab�a)= there is (was),
there are (were); �=qu� hay=? what is the matter? well? =--de= be to;
�=qu� ha de tener=? what can (he) have? =hay que= we must; =no hay que=
there is no need of; =no habr� tenido nunca= has never had
la =habilidad= ability, accomplishment
la =habitaci�n= room, dwelling
=hablar= speak, talk
=habr�,-�s,-�,= _etc., fut. ind. of_ =haber=
=habr�a,-�as,= _etc., cond. of_ =haber; habr�a sido perro....= he must
have been a dog....
=hacer= make, do; =--fuego= fire; =hace dos a�os= two years ago; =hace
m�s de veinticuatro horas que= for more than twenty-four hours; �=qu�
hacemos (de)=? what are we to do (with)?
=hacia= towards
=haga= _pres. subj. of_ =hacer=
=hallar= find; =--se= be, find oneself
el =hambre= _f_. hunger
el =harapo= rag
=har�,-�s,-�,= _etc., fut. ind. of_ =hacer=
=har�a,-�as,= _etc., cond. of_ =hacer=
=hasta= until, as far as, even; =--que= until
=hay=: _see_ =haber=
=haya= _pres. subj. of_ =haber=
=haz= _imper., 2d pers. sing., of_ =hacer=
la =haza�a= achievement, deed; =vaya una=--well! this is a brave deed
=he, has, ha=, _etc., pres. ind. of_ =haber=
=hecho= _irr. past part. of_ =hacer=
=hemos= _pres. ind., 1st pers. pl., of_ =haber=
la =herida= wound
=herir (ie)= strike, wound; =--se los unos a los otros= hit one another
=hermoso,-a= fine, beautiful
=hice, hiciste, hizo=, _etc., pret. of_ =hacer=
el =hierro= iron; =de=--iron
=higi�nico,-a= hygienic, wholesome
el =hijo=, la =---a= son, daughter; =--m�o= my son
=hizo= _pret., 3d pers. sing., of_ =hacer=
el =hocico= mouth (_of an animal_), muzzle
la =hoja= leaf
el =hombre= man
la =hora= hour; =a estas--s= now
la =horda= horde
=horizontalmente= horizontally
la =horquilla= pitchfork
el =horror= horror
=hospitalario,-a= hospitable; =tan poco=--not at all hospitable
=hostil= hostile
=hoy= to-day
la =hoz= sickle, scythe
=hubiera,-as,= _etc., imp. subj. of_ =haber=
la =huella= trace, track
el =hueso= bone; =hasta los--s= to the skin
el =hu�sped,= la--=a= guest
=huir= flee, run away
=humedecer= moisten
=h�medo,-a= damp, humid
el =humor= humor
=huya,-as,= _etc., pres. subj. of_ =huir=


=iba,-as=, _etc., imp. ind. of_ =ir=
=ido= _past. part. of_ =ir=
la =iglesia= church
=igual= equal, the same; indifferent; =el arma es=--the weapon does not
matter; =por=--equally
el =ijar= flank, side
=iluminar= light up
=ilustrado,-a= illustrious
=imitar= imitate
la =impaciencia= impatience
=impacientarse= grow impatient
=impaciente= impatient; =ya me tienes=--you make me impatient, hold me
in suspense
=imperceptible= imperceptible
=importar= be important; �=qu� importa=? what does it matter?
=importuno,-a= importunate, unwelcome
=imposible= impossible
=impulsar= impel, drive
=inclinarse= stoop, bend down, bow
=inconsolable= inconsolable
=incorporarse= sit up _(on a couch or in bed, etc.)_
=incre�ble= incredible
=indeciso,-a= undecided
=indicar= indicate
=indignado,-a= indignant (=ante= at)
=indudablemente= doubtless
el =indulto= pardon, indulgence, leniency
=infame= infamous, wretched, vile; el _or_ la =infame=, infamous person,
el =ingeniero= engineer; =carrera de=--course in engineering
=inhospitalario,-a= inhospitable
=inmediato,-a= near, next, neighboring
=inmensamente= immensely; =abri�--los ojos= opened his eyes wide
=inmenso,-a= immense, great
la =inscripci�n= inscription
el =instante= instant, moment; =al=--instantly; =por--s= steadily, from
moment to moment
el =instinto= instinct
=instructivo,-a= instructive
=insufrible= unbearable
la=inteligencia= mind, intelligence
=inteligente= intelligent
la =intenci�n= intention
el =inter�s= interest
=interesante= interesting
el =interior: all� en su=--to himself, herself, themselves
=interminable= endless
=internarse= plunge, enter, penetrate
=interno,-a= inner, internal
=interrumpir= interrupt; =no interrumpido,-a= uninterrupted
=intimidar= intimidate
=�ntimo,-a= intimate
=introducir= introduce, put into
=introduje,-iste,-o,= _etc., pret. of_ =introducir=
=in�til= useless, in vain
=invadir= invade
=ir= go, walk, be; =--a pie= walk; =va all�= I am coming; =v�monos,
vamos (andando)= let us go; �=vamos=! come! =vamos a ver= let us see,
tell me; =iban vestidos= were dressed; =--se= go (away); �=vaya=!
(_pres. subj. of_ =ir=) go! come! well! indeed! good for...! �=vaya
una...= that's a fine...! =que vaya= let (him) go
=izquierdo,-a= left; =a--a=, =a la--a=, =por la--a= on _or_ to the left

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Books | Photos | Paul Mutton | Wed 26th Feb 2025, 16:57