Fortuna by Enrique Perez Escrich


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Page 24

=dieron= _pret., 3d pers. pl., of_ =dar=
=diez= ten; =las=--ten o'clock
=digo= _pres. ind., 1st pers. sing., of_ =decir=
=dije, dijiste, dijo=, _etc., pret. of_ =decir=
=dile= tell him
el =dinero= money
el =dintel= threshold
=Dios= God; =por=--for Heaven's sake; �=--m�o=! dear me!
=dir�,-�s,= _etc., fut. ind. of_ =decir=
la =direcci�n= direction; =en--a= in the direction of, towards
=dirigirse (a)= direct one's steps (toward), turn (to)
=disgustar= displease; =me disgusta= I don't like (it)
=disparar= shoot (off), fire (off)
=disponer= dispose, order; =--se= arrange, prepare
la =disposici�n= disposition, order, mood, disposal; =a=--at the
=dispuesto= _past part. of_ =disponer=; _adj_. disposed, ready
=dispuse,-iste,-o,= _etc., pret. of_ =disponer=
la =distancia= distance; =a corta=--at a short distance; =de=--away
=distinguir= distinguish; =parec�a--se= there seemed to stand out
=dividir= divide; =voy a--le por la mitad= I am going to cut him in two
=doce= twelve; =a las=--at twelve o'clock
el =dolor= pain, grief
=dolorosamente= painfully, dismally
=doloroso,-a= sad, painful, dismal
=don= Don _(a title of respect used before Christian names only)_
el =don= gift
=donde= (_interr_. =d�nde=) where, (in) which; =a=--where; =en=--in _or_
on which; =por=--through which; �=--? �a--=? where?
=dormir (ue)= sleep
=dos= two
la =duda= doubt; =sin=--doubtless
=dudar= doubt, hesitate; =--de= doubt
=dudoso,-a= doubtful, uncertain
=dulce= sweet, soft, gentle
=durante= during, for
=durar= last
=durmiendo= _pres. part. of_ =dormir=
=duro,-a= hard
el =duro= 5 peseta piece= (_normally one U.S. dollar or 4 British


=e= and (_before initial_ =i= _or_ =hi=)
=echar= throw; begin; =--de menos= miss; =--la campana al vuelo= ring
the bell furiously; =--se= throw one self down, lie down
la =edad= age; =tiene mucha=--is advanced in age
=educar= educate, bring up, develop
=efectivamente= really, in fact
=ejecutar= execute, carry out; =--se= be executed
el =ejemplar= copy
=ejercer= perform, exercise
el =ejercicio= exercise
el =ej�rcito= army
=el, la, lo, los, las= the; =el= (=la=, _etc_.,) =de= that of, the one
of; =el= (=la=, _etc_.) =que= he (she, _etc_.) who, the one who; =al (=a
+ el) que= to the one who _or_ whom; =al= (+ _inf_.) on, in (+ _pres.
part_.); =lo que= that which
=�l, ella, ello= he, it; she, it; it; =le, la, lo= him, it, you; her,
it, you; him, it, you; =le= to him, her, it, you; =ellos, ellas= they;
=los, las= them, you; =les= to them, you; _(after a preposition)_ =�l=
him, it; =ella= her, it; =ello= it; =ellos, ellas=, them
=elevado,-a= high
=elevar= el�vate, raise
=ella, ellos, ellas, ello=: _see_ =�l=
=embargo: sin=--nevertheless
la =emboscada= ambuscade, ambush
=empapado,-a= drenched, soaked
=emplear= employ
=empolvado,-a= dusty, covered with dust
=emprender= undertake, begin; =--a galope= start on a gallop
=empujar= push, push open, shove
=en= in, on, into, at, to, within
=encaminarse= start on one's way; =debe--a= should be directed toward
=encapotarse= cloud over
=encendido,-a= burning, hot, red _(with heat)_, flushed
=encerrar (ie)= inclose; =se encierra= is contained, inclosed
la =enciclopedia= encyclopedia
=encima (de)= on, upon; on top (of); =de--de= from; =por--de= above,
la =encina= oak _(the so-called evergreen oak)_
=enclavado,-a= nailed, rooted
=encomendarse (ie)= commend oneself
=encontrar (ue)= meet, find; =--se= be, feel
=encubierto= _irr. past part. of_ =encubrir=
=encubrir (de)= cover (with)
el =encuentro= meeting
el =enemigo=, la =--a= enemy; =soy--de= I dislike to
la =enfermedad= illness, disease
=enjuto,-a= dry
=enmara�ar= tangle, dishevel
=enorme= enormous
=enrojecido,-a= reddened
=ensanchar= broaden
=ensayar=(=se=) rehearse; =como si se hubieran ensayado= as if they had
rehearsed it
=ense�ar= teach, show; =--se= be taught
=entender (ie)= understand; =--se= understand each other, have an
understanding, come to an agreement
=enterar(se) (de)= inform, acquaint (oneself) (with), find out
la =entonaci�n= tone, accent
=entonces= then
=entornado,-a= closed but not fastened, slightly ajar
la =entrada= entrance
=entrar (en)= enter; bring, take; =--se (en)= enter, go (into)
=entre= between, among, in
el =entrecejo= space between the eyebrows
=entregado,-a= given over, given up;--=a= engaged in, busied with
=entregar= deliver, hand (over)
=envainar= sheathe
la =�poca= epoch, time
=era= _imp. ind. of_ =ser=
=eres= _pres. ind., 2d pers. sing., of_ =ser=
=erguido,-a= erect
=erizado,-a= bristling, standing on end
=es=: _see_ =ser=
=escaparse= escape
=escarbar= scratch, dig
=esconderse= hide; =fu� a=--went to hide, hid
la =escopeta= gun; =--de dos ca�ones= double-barreled gun; =se puso
la--a la cara= (_he put the gun to his cheek =_) he aimed
=escuchar= listen (to)
=ese,-a,-os,-as= _adj_. that, those; =�se,-a,-os,-as, eso= _pron_. that
(one), those; =eso es= that's it; =eso de= all this about
el =esfuerzo= effort
la =esgrima= fencing
=espacioso,-a= spacious
la =espalda= back; =de--s= backwards; =estar de--s= have one's back
turned; =a la=--behind one's back
=espantar= terrify
el =espanto= terror
=espantoso,-a= frightful, terrible
el =espejo= looking-glass
=esperar= hope, wait for, expect, await; meet
el =espesar= thicket
=espeso,-a= heavy, thick, dense
=esquivar:--el cuerpo= dodge
la =estampa= stamp; appearance
=estar= be =este,-a,-os,-as= _adj_. this, these; =�ste,-a,-os, -as,
esto= _pron_. this (one), these, those; the latter
la =estima= esteem; =tener en gran=--esteem highly
=estornudar= sneeze
=estoy, est�s,= _etc., pres. ind. of_ =estar=
=estrechar= press; =le iba estrechando= was closing in upon him
=estrellarse= break, dash (=sobre= against)
el =estremecimiento= trembling, shudder
=estrepitoso,-a= noisy, loud
el =estropajo= brush
=eterno,-a= eternal, ceaseless
=exclamar= exclaim, shout
la =exhalaci�n= exhalation, flash
=exhalar= exhale, breathe; utter, give vent to; =--se= be given off
el =expedicionario= member of an expedition
la =explicaci�n= explanation
=extender (ie)= extend, hold out; =--se= spread
el =exterminio= extermination
=extra�ar= wonder (at); seem strange, surprise
=extremado,-a= excessive, great

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