Fortuna by Enrique Perez Escrich


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Page 23

=conocer= know; =se ha conocido= has been known; =haber conocido a
usted= have made your acquaintance
=el conocimiento= knowledge, attainment; consciousness
=conseguir (i)= attain, succeed (in); =consiguieron...que don Salvador
tomara= got Don Salvador to take
=consigui�,-ieron= _pret., 3d pers. sing. and pl., of_ =conseguir=
=constar= be clear, evident; appear; =pero conste= but I beg you to
=consultar (con)= consult; =--le= consult with him upon
el =contacto= contact
=contar (ue)= count, tell;--=con= count on
la =contemplaci�n= contemplation, examination
=contener= restrain, hold
=contestar= answer
=continuar= continue; =continu� su camino= he continued on his way
=contra= against, toward
=convenir= suit, be fitting; =conviene= it is best
=la conversaci�n= conversation
=copudo,-a= leafy, with dense foliage; domed
=el coraz�n= heart; =de todo=--most heartily
=la corbata= cravat, necktie
=Corbel= _prop. noun_
=corpulento,-a= corpulent, large
=el corral= yard
=correr= run, flow; =--por la frente= run down his face
=la cosa= thing; =es=--is something
=la costa= coast
=creer= believe, think
=el crep�sculo= dusk, twilight
=creyendo= _pres. part. of_ =creer=
=el criado=, la =-a= servant
=el criminal= criminal
=cruzar= cross
=la cuadra= stable
=el cuadrillero= patrolman
=el cuadro= picture; =--(de tierra)= plot _or_ bed _(in a garden)_
=cual= which, what; like, as; =el(la, lo)=--who, whom, which
�=cu�l=? which?
=cualquier(a)= any, any one; =a--parte= anywhere
=cuando= when; =de--en--=, =de vez en=--now and then
�=cu�ndo=? when?
=cuanto,-a= (_interr. and exclam._ =cu�nto=) how much; _pl_. how many,
all that
=cuarenta= forty;=--y ocho= forty-eight
=cuatro= four; a few;=--d�as despu�s= a few days later
=cubierto= _irr. past part. of_ =cubrir=
=cubrir= cover
el =cuchillo= knife; =--de monte= hunting knife
el =cuello= neck
la =cuenta= account; =darse--(de)= realize
el =cuerpo= body
la =cuesta= hill, slope
la =cuesti�n= question, matter
la =cueva= cave, cellar; =por la--= from the cellar
el =cuidado= care, worry; �=--=! be careful! look out! =tener--= be
careful; =no tenga usted=--don't worry
la =culata= butt (_of a gun_)
la =cumbre= summit, top
=cumplir= comply (with), carry out, complete; =--a pie de la letra=
comply with word for word
la =cuneta= ditch, drain
el =cura= (parish) priest; =el se�or=--his Reverence
=curar= cure, heal
=cuyo,-a= whose, of whom, of which, which


el =chaleco= waistcoat, vest
los =chaparrales= thicket, brush
el =charco= pool
=chorrear= drip


el =da�ador= evil-doer, villain
=da�o= harm, injury; =hacer--(a)= hurt, harm, do harm
=dar= give, strike _(the hour)_; =--en= hit; =--a luz= give birth
=de= of, from, by, with, in, than; =del (= de + el) que (--la que)= of
whom, of which; =el carrizal--la izquierda= the patch of reeds on the
=debajo= below, underneath; =--de= under, below, beneath
=deber= owe; must, ought, should; =--de= must; =debe verse= should be
visible; =debe haber= there must be; =debiera= (+ _inf_.) ought to
=d�bil= weak
la =debilidad= weakness, faintness
=decidir= decide; =--se (a)= decide
=decir= say, tell, speak; =es=--that is to say, I mean; =di= tell them
=decretar= decree
el =dedo= finger; =--pulgar= thumb
=deducir= deduce
=deduje,-iste,-o,= _etc., pret. of_ =deducir=
=defender (ie) de= defend (against)
el =defensor= defender
=definir= define
=dejar= let, leave, cease; =--de=, =--se de= cease, stop, fail;
=no--de= be sure to; =d�jale= leave him alone
=del = de + el=
=delante= before, first, ahead, in front; =--de= before, in front of;
=ten�a=--she had before her
la =delantera= front; =en la=--in front
=delgado,-a= slim, thin
la =delicadeza= delicacy; =con tal=--so carefully
=delicado,-a= delicate
la =demostraci�n= demonstration
=demostrar (ue)= show, prove
la =dentadura= (set of) teeth
=dentro (de)= within; =--de un rato= in a little while
=deparar= give, grant, bestow (upon)
=derecho,-a= right; =--a, a la--a, por la--a= to the right (hand)
=derribar= knock down, throw to the ground
la =derrota= rout, defeat of an army
=desabrochar= unbutton
=desagradecido,-a= thankless, ungrateful, ingrate
=desaparecer= disappear
=desarrollado,-a= developed; =poco=--not greatly developed
=desarrollar= develop
=desbordar(se)= overflow its bank
=descansar (se)=rest
=descender (ie)= descend
=descerrajar= break the lock (of), smash in
=descolgar (ue)= take down _(from the hook)_
=descompuesto,-a= changed, disturbed, distorted
=desconocido,-a= unknown, strange; not recognizable
=descorrer= draw (_a curtain_)
=desde= since, from; =--hoy= from now on; =--que= since, after
la =desdicha= misfortune, trouble
=desear= wish, desire
=desenvainar= unsheathe
la =desesperaci�n= desperation, despair
=desfallecido,-a= faint
la =desgracia= misfortune
=desgraciado,-a= unfortunate; =--del perro= unlucky is the dog
=desierto,-a= deserted
=deslumbrar= dazzle
=desmayado,-a= in a faint
=desmayarse= faint
=despachar= dispatch, finish; get through; hasten
=despertar (ie)= awake, arouse; =al=--on awaking
=despu�s= later, afterwards, then; =--de= after
=desvencijado,-a= rickety
=detalladamente= in detail, minutely
=detener(se)= stop, detain
=detengan= _pres. subj. of_ =detener=
=detr�s= behind; =por=--behind
=detuve,-iste,-o,= _etc., pret. of_ =detener=
devolver (=ue=) return, give back
=devorar= devour
=di, diste, di�=, _etc., pret. of_ =dar=
=di= _imper., 2d pers. sing., of_ =decir=
el =d�a= day; =de--en=--from day to day
el =diablo= devil
el =di�logo= dialogue
=dice= _pres. ind., 3d pers. sing., of_ =decir=
=diciendo= _pres. part. of_ =decir=
la =dicha= happiness, good fortune
=dicho= _irr. past. part. of_ =decir=
el =diente= tooth
=diera,-n= _imp. subj. of_ =dar=

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