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Page 22
�=bah=! pshaw!
la =bajada= descent
=bajar= descend, come down (stairs); get off; lower
=bajo,-a= low; =el piso=--the ground floor; _adv_. in a low voice, in an
undertone; _prep_. under, beneath
el =barranco= ravine; =el--de ese puente= the ravine under that bridge
=bastar= suffice, be enough; =basta (ya)= this is enough
el =bast�n= cane
el =bebedero= watering trough
=beber= drink
=bendito,-a= (_irr. past part. of_ =bendecir=) blessed
el =bien= good, welfare; =hombre de=--honest man
=bien= well; =est�=--it is all right; �=est�--=! very well!
=blanco,-a= white; =el=--mark, target
=blandir= brandish
la =boca= mouth; =--abajo= face down
el =bolsillo= pocket
=bondadoso,-a= kind, kindly
el =boquete= narrow entrance, opening
=bordear= border
el =bosquecillo= _dim_. small grove, clump of trees
el =brazo= arm
=brillante= brilliant, shining
el =brinco= bound, jump; =de un--= with a bound
=bruscamente= brusquely, roughly
=brutal= brutal
=brutalmente= brutally
el =bruto= brute
=buen(o),-a= good; =a buenas= willingly
la =busca: en su=--in search of him (her)
=buscar= look for
el =caballejo= _dim_. nag
la =caballer�a= cavalry; mount (_such as horse, mule, donkey, etc_.)
el =caballo= horse; =a=---on horseback
el =cabello= hair; _pl_. hair
la =cabeza= head
la =cabra= goat; =camino de--s= goat trail
=Cachucha= _a nickname_; cap
=cada= each
el =cad�ver= lifeless body, corpse
la =cadenilla= _dim_. (small) chain
=caer(se)= fall; =ca�do= fallen, _(tail)_ between his legs
=ca�,-�ste,-y�,= _etc., pret. of_ =caer=
la =ca�da= fall; =--de la tarde= late in the afternoon
=calcinar= calcine, scorch
=c�lido,-a= warm
=caliente= hot, warm, fresh _(trail)_
el =calor= heat; =horas de=--hot hours, hot part of the day
=caluroso,-a= hot
=callar(se)= be silent; =�calla! �calle=! hush! I say! gracious! listen!
la =calle= street
la =cama= bed; =a la=--to bed
=cambiar= change, exchange; =--lo de sitio= change its position
el =cambio= change; =en=--in exchange, on the other hand
=caminar= walk, go, travel, move along
la =caminata= walk
el =camino= road, way, path; =ponerse en=--leave, start
la =campana= bell; =echando las--s al vuelo= with a furious ringing of
the bells
la =campanada= stroke _(of the bell)_
=campestre= rural, in the country
el =campo= country, fields
el =canal= canal
la =canana= cartridge belt
el =canario= canary bird
el =candil= _(Spanish)_ lamp (_with wick floating in oil_)
la =can�cula= dog days
=canino,-a= canine
=cansado,-a= tired
la =ca�a= reed, cane
el =ca�on= barrel _(of gun)_; =escopeta de dos--es= double-barreled gun
el =capit�n= captain
el =cap�tulo= chapter
la =cara= face; =ponerse a la=--aim
=la carabina= rifle
la =carcajada= (loud) laugh, laughter; =soltar la= (_or_ =una=)==--burst
out laughing
la =caricia= caress
la =caridad= charity
=caritativo,-a= charitable
la =carrera= career, course (of study); =--de ingeniero= course in
engineering; =a la=--, =en una=--in a hurry, on the run
la =carretera= highway, "pike"
el =carrizal= patch of reeds
el =carrizo= sedge, reed
la =carta= letter
el =cartucho= cartridge
la =casa= house; =a=--home; =en=--at home, in the house;
=cerca de=--near home; =--de pueblo= town house
el =cascabel= small bell
=Cascabel= _nickname_
=casi= almost
el =caso= case; =hacer--(de)= pay attention (to), heed
la =categor�a= category, rank, class
el =cauce= bed of a stream, stream
=causar= cause
=cavar= dig
=cayendo= _pres. part. of_ =caer=
=cay�= _pret. 3d pers. sing., of_ =caer=
el =cazador= hunter
=cenar= sup, take supper
=centellear= sparkle, glisten
la =centinela= sentinel; =ponerse de--= be posted _or_ serve as sentinel
el =centro= center, middle
=ce�ir (i)= encircle, gird on, fit closely; =ce�ido al cuerpo= tightly
=cerca (de)= near; =--de ella= by her side
=cerrar (ie)= close, shut, bar; =--le el paso= block his way
=cesar= cease
=cetrino: de color--= lemon-colored
=ciego,-a= blind
el =cielo= sky, heaven
=cien(to)= (one, a) hundred
=cinco= five
el =cinto= belt
la =cintura= waist
el =cintur�n= belt
=ci�endo= _pres. part. of_ =ce�ir=
la =claridad= clearness, brightness, light; =con toda--= plainly,
=clar�simo,-a= very clear, bright
=claro,-a= clear, bright; �=--=!of course!
el =cobertizo= shed
=cobrizo,-a= copper-colored
=codiciar= covet, long for
=coger=, catch, pick up, take (out), take hold of, seize
la =cola= tail
el =colegio= academy, private high school
=colgante= hanging (down), hanging out
el =colmillo= fang, tusk
=colocar= place, put
el =color= color
el =collar= collar _(for a dog)_
=comenzar (ie)= commence, begin
=comer= eat, dine
=comestible= eatable; =los--s= eatables
=como= as, as if, provided, how, like; =--que= as, since; �=c�mo?
(�c�mo!)= how? (!) why? (!) what?
=compadecido,-a= moved to pity
el =compa�ero= companion, colleague
=completo,-a= complete, perfect; =por--= completely
el _or_ la =c�mplice= accomplice
=componer= compose; repair; =s�lo se compon�a de piso bajo= consisted of
only one floor
=comprender= understand; =ya comprendes= of course you understand
=con= with
=conceder= concede, grant
=conduciendo=: _see_ =conducir=
=conducir= lead, conduct, take
=confiar (en)= confide, trust (to, in), intrust
la =conmoci�n= commotion; =poner en=--arouse, throw in commotion
=conmover (ue)= move, stir, touch; =--se= be touched, moved
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