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Page 21
el =ama= _f_. lady of the house, mistress;--=de gobierno= housekeeper
la =amapola= (red) poppy
=amargamente= bitterly
=amarillento,--a= yellowish; =rojo=--reddish yellow
=ambos,--as= both, the two
=amenazador,--a= menacing, threatening
=amenazar (de)= menace, threaten (with)
=ameno,--a= pleasing, delightful
la =americana= (sack) coat
=amigo,--a= friend
el =amo=,--a master, mistress, housekeeper; �=c�mo ama=? what do you
mean by housekeeper?
el =amor (a)= love (of)
=amordazar= gag
el =anca, las--s= haunch (es), hip(s), crupper
el =anciano, la--a= old _or_ aged man, old _or_ aged woman
=ancho,-a= wide
=andar= walk, go, go about, be; �=anda=! come! =vamos andando= let us be
going; =todo se andar�= we'll see to it, everything will be done in due
=andrajoso,-a= ragged
=angosto,-a= narrow
=angustioso,-a= painful, distressing
el =animal= animal, brute; wretch
=anonadar= cast down, annihilate; stun
=ansioso,-a (de)= anxious, eager (to)
=ante= before, in the presence of;--=todo=, first of all
el =antecedente= antecedent, preliminary; =de malos=--=s= with a bad
=antes= before, first; =--de= (+ _inf_.) before; =--(de) que= (+_subj_.)
before; =--de comer= before eating
=antiguo,-a= old, antique; former
=antojar(se)= (_used only in the third pers_.): =antoj�rsele a uno= take
a fancy, seem good to any one; =se les antoja= they have a notion (to)
=anunciar= announce, predict
=a�adir= add
el =a�o= year; =tener...--s=be...years old; =al--de= a year after
=apacible= peaceful, quiet, pleasant
=apagado,-a= faint, low _(voice)_
=apagar= quench
=aparecer= appear
=aparejar= saddle, rig
la =apariencia= appearance
=apartar= push aside;---=se= leave, turn away, go away
=apenas= hardly, scarcely; as soon as
=apercibir= perceive
el =apetito= appetite
=aplastarse= flatten; =fueron a--en= were flattened against
el =apodo= nickname
=apoyado,-a= leaning (on), resting (on)
apoyar(se) support, lean, rest (on); press; =ap�yate= lean on me
=aprender= learn
la =aproximaci�n= proximity, approach
=apuntar= make a note of; aim; =apunt�ndole= aiming at him; =le tiene
apuntado= has his record
=aquel, aquella= _adj_. that; =aqu�l, aqu�lla, aquello= _pron_. that
(one); =todo= =aquello= everything
=aqu�= here; =--tienes= here is; =por=--here, this way
el =ara�azo= scratch
el =�rbol= tree
el =arco= arch
el =arc�n= _aug_. large chest
=ardiente= ardent, burning
la =arena= sand
la =argolla= large ring
el =arma= _f_. weapon
=armado,-a= armed
el =armero= gun-rack
la =�rnica= arnica
=arrasar= fill; =los ojos arrasados en l�grimas= one's eyes filled with
=arrastrarse= drag along; crawl, creep
=arrodillar(se)= kneel (down); =arrodillado,-a= kneeling
=arrojar= throw (at)
el =asco= nausea, fear; le =dan--las escopetas= he is afraid of guns
el =ascua= _f_. red-hot coal; =--s de fuego= burning coals =asegurar=
assure; =ya se puede=--you may be quite sure
el =aseo= cleanliness
=as�= so, thus, like that, such; =--las cosas= thus matters stood;=--lo
dice= that is the way he expresses it
=asomar= appear, show, stick out; =--se= peep over, look in _or_ out
=asombrar= astonish; =asombrado de= amazed at
el =asunto= business, affair, matter
=atacar= attack; =atacado de= attacked by
la =atadura= bond, cord
=Atanasio= Athanasius
=atar= tie, bind
la =atenci�n= attention
=aterrado,-a= terrified
el =�tomo= atom
=atreverse (a)= dare, make bold
=aturdir= confuse; =no me aturdas los o�dos= do not make me deaf
el =aullido= howl
el =aumento: ir en=--increase
=aun= _or_ =a�n= even, yet, still
=aunque= although, even if
el =auxilio= aid, help; _pl_. assistance
=avanzar= advance
la =avaricia= avarice; =con=--greedily
la =avenida= freshet, flood
=avergonzarse (ue)= be ashamed; =sin que su amo se avergonzara= without
his master's being ashamed
=ayudar(a)= help, assist (in); =ayudado de= assisted by
el =ayuntamiento= town _or_ city council
=azorado,-a= terrified, trembling
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