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Page 20
_A_. 1. _S�planse las preposiciones que faltan_: se precipit�---- aquel
boquete; apart�---- todos; volvi�---- decir; es la voz---- mi Juan; te
agradezco que vengas---- verme; caminando---- un terreno h�medo; segu�a
ladrando---- lo lejos; empujaban---- la guardesa. 2. _Corr�jase_:
delante ellos; aqu�; es mi Juan voz; se�or Salvador; don Bueno; un voz
d�bil; una voz d�bila; �es t�?; aquel negro boquete; �cu�nto te
agradezco que vienes a verme!
_B_. 1. De un modo furioso. 2. A lo lejos. 3. De pronto. 4. Volvi� a
decir. 5. Iba detr�s. 6. Se puso delante.
_C_. 1. �Qu� levant� el jardinero? 2. �C�mo era la bajada a la cueva? 3.
�C�mo ladraba Fortuna? 4. �Con qu� alumbraba Atanasio? 5. �Qu�
chorreaban las paredes de la cueva? 6. De pronto �qu� se oy�? 7. �Qu�
dijo la voz? 8. �Qu� grit� don Salvador? 9. �Qu� volvi� a decir el ni�o?
10. Poni�ndose delante �qu� grit� don Salvador?
_D_. 1. The ground will be very damp and slippery. 2. The men will raise
the trap door and go down. 3. The descent will be steep and very
slippery. 4. Suddenly a strong voice will be heard which will say: 5.
"How grateful I am that Fortune is looking-for (_use_ =buscar=)
Johnnie." 6. It will not be the voice of Don Salvador. 7. It will be the
voice of Athanasius who will be following the dog. 8. Fortune will bark
furiously. 9. Don Salvador who is going behind will put himself before
them. 10. How grateful he is that we have found his darling Johnny.
_adj_. adjective
_adv_. adverb
_aug_. augmentative
_cf_. compare
_cond_. conditional
_dat_. dative
_def. art_. definite article
_dim_. diminutive
_dir. obj_. direct object
_exclam_. exclamatory
_f_. feminine
_fut_. future
_imp_. imperfect
_imper_. imperative
_inf_. infinitive
_interj_. interjection
_interr_. interrogative
_irr_. irregular
_lit_. literally
_m_. masculine
_past part_. past participle
_perf_. perfect
_pers_. person
_pl_. plural
_prop. noun_ proper noun
_pres. part_. present participle
_pret_. preterite
_pron_. pronoun
_sing_. singular
_subj_. subjunctive
_trans_. translation
=ie, i,= _or_ =ue,= in parenthess,
denotes that the verb is radical-changing.
=a= to, at, in, into, within; from
=abajo= below; =m�s=--farther down; =boca=--face down; =por el
barranco=--down the ravine
=abalanzarse= rush, throw oneself
=abierto,-a= (_past part. of_ =abrir=) open, opened
=ablandar(se)= soften, relent
=abrasado,-a= burned, burning, scorched
=abrasador,-a= scorching, burning
=abrazar(se)= embrace, put one's arms around _(something)_; =abrazado
(a)= with his arms around
=abrir= open; =--el apetito= give an appetite; =la puerta se abri�= the
door opened; =al--= on opening
el =abuelito= _dim_. grandpa dear, dear grandfather
el =abuelo=, la =-a= grandfather, grandmother
la =abundancia= abundance; =con--= abundantly, copiously
=ac�= here; =por=--here, this way
=acabar= finish; =--de= (+ _inf_.) finish (+ _pres. part._) _or_ have
just (+ _past part_.)
=acariciar= caress, stroke
=acercarse= (=a= _or_ =hacia=) approach, draw near (to), come
=acompa�ar= accompany;
=acompa�ando a= in the company of
=aconsejar= counsel, advise, suggest
el =acontecimiento= event
=acudir (a)= come to help, go for help (to), resort to
�=adelante=! come in! forward! go ahead!
el =adem�n= attitude, expression
=adentro= within
la =adivinanza= divination; mind reading
=adivinar= divine, guess, understand
=ad�nde= where
=adormecido,-a= drowsy
=afable= affable
=afirmativo,-a= affirmative
=aflictivo,-a= troublesome, painful
=afligir= afflict; =--se= be afflicted _or_ worried; =no se aflija usted
tanto= do not take it to heart so deeply
=afortunadamente= fortunately
la =agilidad= nimbleness
=agitado,-a= agitated
=agitar= agitate, move, brandish, shake, wag; =--se= move, stir
=agostador,-a= burning, shriveling
=agosto= _m_. August
=agradable= agreeable, pleasant
=agradecer= be thankful (for)
=agradecido,-a= grateful el =agradecimiento= gratefulness, appreciation,
=agradezco= _pres. ind., 1st pers. sing., of_ =agradecer=
=agresivo= aggressive
el =agua=, _f_. water
=agudo,-a= acute, sharp
�=ah=! ah! oh!
=ah�= there; =por=--there;--=lo tienen ustedes= behold him now, there he
=ahogar= choke, smother; =--se= be choked _or_ stifled; smother
=ahora= now, presently; =--mismo= just now
=ahuyentar= put to flight, drive away
el =aire= air; =--libre= open air, fresh air; =por el=--up in the air
=al= = =a= + =el=: =--hablar= on speaking
el =�lamo= poplar, cotton-wood, aspen
la =alarma= alarm
el =alboroto= uproar, tumult
el =alcalde= mayor
el =alcance: ponerse al=--come within reach
la =alegr�a= merriment, joy; =con, de=--joyfully
el =alfiler= pin
la =alfombra= carpet, rug
la =alforja= saddlebag
la =algazara= shouting, uproar
=algo= something, somewhat; =--malo= something bad, some bad things
=alg�n= _or_ =alguno,-a= some, any, some one, any one; =---a cosa=
something, anything
la =alianza= alliance, relationship, friendship
=alimentar= feed, nourish; =--se= take nourishment
el =alimento= food
el =alma= _f_. soul; =de mi=--beloved, darling; =con toda el=--deeply,
el =almendro= almond tree
la =almilla= jersey
=alt�simo,-a= very high
=alto,-a= high, tall; loud; =en lo m�s=--on the highest part, on the
top; =en voz---a= in a loud voice
=alumbrar= light, give a light
=alzar= raise; =--se= arise, be visible
=all�= there; =lo de m�s=--still another; =--va= I am coming
=all�= there; =por=--(by) that way
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