Fortuna by Enrique Perez Escrich


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Page 19


_A_. 1. _Expl�quese el uso de la preposici�n_ a _en_: mirando fijamente
_al_ anciano; al ver _a_ Fortuna; para mirar _a_ su amo. 2. _�Es
diferente el uso de_ a _en_: comenz� a lamerle las manos _a_ don

_B_. 1. La puerta se abri�. 2. Se acerc� al sof�. 3. Cubierto de lodo.
4. Al ver a Fortuna. 5. �Eres t�! 6. El perro se detuvo.

_C_. 1. �Qu� se abri� poco a poco? 2. �Qu� asom� por la puerta? 3. �De
qu� estaba cubierto Fortuna? 4. �A qui�n mir� fijamente el perro? 5.
Luego �qu� comenz� a hacer Fortuna? 6. �Qu� hizo el anciano al ver al
perro? 7. �Por qu� lo hizo? 8. Despu�s de ladrar tres veces �a d�nde se
dirigi� Fortuna? 9. �Para qu� se detuvo en la puerta? 10. �Qu� quer�a
decir el perro?

_D_. 1. The dog awoke Don Salvador. 2. He licked Don Salvador's hands.
3. On seeing the dog, the old man sat-up on the sofa. 4. "Ah!" he
exclaimed, "is it you, Fortune"? 5. The presence of that loyal dog
caused him (an) immense joy. 6. The dog barked twice and then he made
his way toward the door. 7. Fortune stopped in the door, in order to
look at the old man. 8. Don Salvador understood him perfectly. 9. The
dog came to say to him: 10. "If you follow me, I shall take you where
your son is."


_A_. _Corr�janse estas frases_: todos iban armado; resueltos a salvar
Juanito; tom� una senda que condujo al monte; volviendo de vez en cuando
su cabeza; en vez de bajando al barranco; la noche era sereno; las
demostraciones de el perro; el cuadrillero en caballo.

_B_. 1. Iba delante. 2. A pie. 3. A caballo. 4. Volvi� la cabeza. 5. De
vez en cuando. 6. A la izquierda.

_C_. 1. �A qui�n siguieron todos? 2. �Qui�nes siguieron a Fortuna? 3.
�De qu� iban armados todos? 4. �Qu� iluminaba la tierra? 5. �C�mo la
iluminaba? 6. �Iba delante Fortuna o segu�a a los dem�s _(others)_? 7.
�Para qu� volvi� la cabeza Fortuna? 8. Cuando llegaron al puente
�torcieron a la derecha _(right)_? 9. �Por d�nde caminaban? 10. �A qu�
conduc�a la senda que tomaron?

_D_. 1. The dog was turning his head from time to time. 2. He arrived at
the bridge and went down into the ravine. 3. Instead of crossing the
ravine, he took a path that led to the wooded hill (s). 4. Don Salvador
and four house servants followed the dog. 5. Don Salvador was going on
horseback and the servants were going afoot. 6. All the men were armed
with guns. 7. The old man was resolved to save the boy. 8. The animal
knew where the kidnapped boy was. 9. Fortune was going ahead and all
were following him. 10. That dog was noble and intelligent.


_A_. 1. _S�planse las palabras que faltan_: se compon�a de---- bajo;
dijo en---- muy baja; es hombre de malos----; todo el mundo pie a----;
ten la linterna prevenida por si hace----; si ves alguno que quiere
escaparse, le haces----; esta umbr�a que---- de cruzar. 2. _Corr�jase_:
el perro llego a la puerta; todos oy� este gemido; en aquel casa; en
aqu�lla casa; en voz muy bajo; ha sido en presidio; tu t� pone de
centinela; la tapias del corral.

_B_. 1. Se volvi�. 2. Por lo menos. 3. En voz baja. 4. Acabamos de
cruzarlo. 5. Todo el mundo. 6. Por si hace falta.

_C_. 1. �De cu�ntos pisos se compon�a la casa? 2. �De qui�n era la casa?
3. �Qu� olfate� el perro? 4. �D�nde procur� introducir el hocico
Fortuna? 5. �Era hombre de buenos antecedentes? 6. �Qui�n le ten�a
apuntado en su libro? 7. �Por qu�? 8. �Qui�nes entrar�n en la casa
delante de los dem�s _(others)_? 9. �Qu� har� Cachucha? �Qu� har�
Atanasio? 10. �A qui�n buscaban en aquella casa?

_D_. 1. The dog knew that the boy had been in that house. 2. It was a
house of (de) two stories =(pisos)=, the ground floor and the upper
=(alto)= story. 3. The kidnaper had been in jail. 4. Everybody went into
the house. 5. The loyal and intelligent dog went before. 6. The kidnaper
wished to jump over the wall. 7. Cachucha saw him and fired at him. 8.
The dog uttered a whine peculiar to his race. 9. Cachucha did not hear
the whine that Fortune gave. 10. There did not remain the slightest
doubt that Johnny was there.

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Books | Photos | Paul Mutton | Tue 25th Feb 2025, 13:10