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Page 18
_C._ 1. �Qui�n es Fortuna? 2. �C�mo tendi� el bast�n don Salvador? 3.
Entonces �qu� di� Fortuna? 4. �Sobre qu� se qued� luego? 5. �Qu� volvi�
a hacer don Salvador? 6. �Qu� volvi� a hacer Fortuna? 7. Esta vez _(This
time)_ �c�mo se qued� el perro? 8. Cuando Juanito estornud� �qu� hizo
Fortuna? 9. �En d�nde encontr� el pa�uelo? 10. �D�nde estaban don
Salvador, Juanito y Fortuna?
_D._ 1. Don Salvador extended the cane which he held in his hand. 2.
Fortune gave a leap over the cane. 3. Don Salvador extended the cane
again. 4. Fortune jumped again. 5. The dog remained with his front feet
resting on the ground. 6. He remained with his hind feet in the air. 7.
One day Fortune put his nose in Johnny's pocket. 8. He pulled out
Johnny's handkerchief. 9. Then he presented it to the boy. 10. The dog
always followed (_say_: followed always) Johnny.
_A_. 1. _�Por qu� tienen el acento_: haci�ndole, rasg�ndole,
defendi�ndose (haciendo, rasgando y defendiendo _no tienen acento_)? 2.
_�Qu� formas del verbo son_: derribo, derrib�; abalanzo, abalanz�;
grito, grit�?
_B_. 1. Se acercaron. 2. En el mismo momento. 3. Se puso en pie. 4.
Haci�ndole rodar. 5. Rasg�ndole el vestido.
_C_. 1. �Qui�n es Polonia? 2. �A qui�n ayudaron a levantarse Juanita y
Polonia? 3. Cuando el hombre se puso en pie �a qui�n cogi�? 4. �Qu� hizo
la ni�a mendiga al mismo tiempo? 5. �Con la ligereza de qu� animal? 6.
�Qu� hizo Fortuna? 7. �Qu� rasg� en jirones? 8. �Qu� lanz� la ni�a? 9.
�C�mo se defendi� del perro? 10. �Cu�l era la edad de la ni�a?
_D_. 1. The beggar girl jumped to her feet. 2. She seized Johnny by the
neck. 3. The dog threw himself upon her. 4. He tore her dress into
shreds. 5. The girl defended herself with courage. 6. She was not more
than twelve years old. 7. Johnny was a little boy. 8. She made him roll
on the sand. 9. Polonia was terrified. 10. They were in a dry (seco)
_A_. 1. _Expl�quese el uso de_ a _en_ al ver _a_ Polonia. 2. _�Cu�l es
el sujeto del verbo en_ extra��ndoles la tardanza de Juanito?
_B_. 1. Cerca del pueblo. 2. Vi� venir gente. 3. Iban en su busca. 4. Al
ver a Polonia. 5. Cay� de rodillas.
_C_. 1. �Cu�l era el mes en que se verific� _(took place)_ el secuestro
_(kidnaping)_ de Juanito? 2. �Hac�a fr�o o hac�a calor? 3. �A qui�n vi�
venir hacia ella Polonia? 4. �D�nde estaba ella? 5. �Qu� extra�aba don
Salvador? 6. �Qui�nes acompa�aron _(accompanied)_ a don Salvador? 7.
�Qu� quitaron de las manos de Polonia? 8. �Qu� quitaron de la boca
_(mouth)_ de Polonia? 9. Al ver a Polonia �qu� lanz� don Salvador? 10.
�Estaban cerca o lejos _(far)_ del pueblo?
_D_. 1. This sudden change of weather is frequent in the month of
August. 2. Don Salvador and the mayor were near the town. 3. They saw
people coming toward them. 4. The people were running and running. 5.
Don Salvador was surprised at Johnny's delay. 6. He went in search of
him. 7. When Don Salvador saw Polonia, he guessed everything. 8. Polonia
was gagged and with her hands tied. 9. The mayor uttered a cry of
terror. 10. Then he fell on his knees at Don Salvador's feet.
_A_. 1. _En_ le matar�n _�cu�l es la colocaci�n del pronombre personal
respecto del verbo (precede o sigue al verbo)_? 2. _En_ acompa�arles
_�cu�l es la colocaci�n de_ les? 3. _�Cu�l es la regla_? 4. _�Hay otras
formas del verbo a las cuales sigue el pronombre? �Cu�les son_?
_B_. 1. Salieron a la calle. 2. Se quedaron. 3. Se opusieron. 4. Al
saber la desgracia.
_C_. 1. �Qui�nes hab�an acudido al saber la desgracia de Juanito? 2.
�Qu� perdi� Polonia? 3. �Qui�nes salieron en busca de la carta? 4. �Por
qu� no los acompa�� don Salvador? 5. Cuando salieron a la calle, �qu�
los deslumbr�? 6. �De qu� fue seguido el rel�mpago? 7. �D�nde se qued�
el m�dico? 8. �El pobre Juanito estar� perdido? 9. �Qui�nes le matar�n?
10. �Por qu�?
_D_. 1. Some neighbors remained in the company of (= accompanying) Don
Salvador. 2. The mayor and Cachucha went out in search of Johnny. 3.
Polonia has lost the letter. 4. If they do not find it, Johnny will be
lost. 5. The kidnapers will kill the boy if Don Salvador does not give
them the money. 6. The physician and the parish-priest are Don
Salvador's neighbors. 7. They came on learning Johnny's misfortune. 8. A
flash-of-lightning dazed the physician. 9. A frightful crash-of-thunder
followed the lightning. 10. Heavens! exclaimed the physician in despair.
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