Fortuna by Enrique Perez Escrich


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Page 15

[4] =--hac�an exclamar a todo el mundo=, _made everybody exclaim._ =a
disposici�n=: many adverbial phrases are thus used without the definite
article. =hab�a visto morir a un hijo al a�o de terminar...,= _he had
seen a son die a year after completing...._ =a los seis meses de dar a
luz...,= _six months after giving birth...._

[5] =--el abuelo y el nieto= are the subject of =pasaban=.

[6] =--tienes la cara encendida como...,= _your face is as red as...._
=Ser�=, _it is probably_: future of probability or conjecture.

[7] =--fu� a esconderse=. In English one would say: _went and hid_. =no
hab�a visto pasar al perro,= _had not seen the dog pass._ Note the
difference between the English and the Spanish word orders. This is

[8] =--me, te=: datives of possession. =fueron saliendo=: See Footnote

[9] =--no me lo ha de decir= is about equivalent to =no me lo dir�=.
=tomarme=, _to take (for myself):_ =me= is dative of concern or
interest. =a este perro se le llamar� = llamar�n a este perro.= =fortuna
y no poca ha sido la suya = ha sido fortuna, y su fortuna no ha sido

[10] =--sin que su amo se avergonzara,= _without his master feeling
ashamed_. =lo m�s hermoso de Fortuna,= _the handsomest thing about
Fortuna._ =me=: dative of concern or interest. Omit in translating.
=--Fray Lu�s de Le�n= (1528?-1591), a great Spanish mystic and poet.

[11] =lo=: an expletive pronoun, often used for clearness when the
corresponding noun object precedes the verb. =el perderle=, _to lose
it_. The article, which here modifies the infinitive, is not to be

[12] =A los ocho d�as=, _in a week's time_. Note that =ocho d�as=, in
certain expressions, means _a week_ (the days at both ends of the week
are counted).

[13] =--sin intimidarle los gru�idos amenazadores=, _without being
frightened by the threatening growls_.

[14] =--si te callas=, _if you can be still_. �=Pero d�nde estar� ese
maldito perro=? _But where can that accursed dog be?_ Here =estar�= is
future of probability or conjecture. =me las pagar�=, _I'll get even
with him_ (literally, _he will pay me for them_: =las= is an indefinite
pronoun here and may mean =las malas cosas, las ofensas=, or something
of the sort).

[15] =--eran muchos y ventajosamente armados para vencerlos,= _were too
many and too well armed (for him) to conquer them_. In some expressions
=mucho= means _too much_ and =muy= means _too_.

[16] =--matar�an= is conditional of probability or conjecture. Here
translate =Indudablemente le matar�an=, _they undoubtedly killed him_.

[17] =--Si=, _why_, or _but_.

[18] =Que= may be omitted in translating. Perhaps =dices= or some such
expression was once understood before =que=.

[19] =se te habr� ca�do=, _you must have dropped it_.

[20] =no se les da=, _is not given to them_. Note that the subject of
=da= follows the verb.

[21] =--hacemos = haremos=.

[22] =--�qu� ser� de Juanito=? _what will become of Juanito?_

[23] =--A nadie le qued� la menor duda de que...=, _to no one did there
remain the slightest doubt that..._

[24] =--le haces fuego=, _you fire at him_. Here the present indicative
has the force of an imperative.

[25] =--Pues aunque...adivinanza:= she does not complete the sentence.

[26] =--se recibi� a Juanito=, _they received Johnny_ or _Johnny was

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