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Page 3
The Broken Mug, _Jno. Esten Cooke_
Carolina, _Anna Peyre Dinnies_
Our Martyrs, _Paul H. Hayne_
Cleburne, _Mrs. M. A. Jennings_
The Texan Marseillaise, _James Harris_
"O, tempora! O, mores," _J. Dickson Bruns_
Our Departed Comrades, _J. M. Shirer_
No Land like Ours, _J. R. Barrick_
The Angel of the Church, _W. Gilmore Simms_
Ode--"Shell the old City," _Ibid_.
The Enemy shall never reach your City, _Charleston Mercury_
War Waves, _Catherine G. Poyas_
Old Moultrie, _Ibid_.
Only one killed, _Julia L. Keyes_
Land of King Cotton, _J. A. Signaigo_
If you love me, _Ibid_.
The Cotton Boll, _Henry Timrod_
Battle of Charleston Harbor, _Paul H. Hayne_
Fort Wagner, _W. Gilmore Simms_
Sumter in Ruins, _Ibid_.
Morris Island, _Ibid_.
Promise of Spring, _South Carolinian_
Spring, _Henry Timrod_
Chickamauga, _Richmond Sentinel_
In Memoriam--Bishop Polk, _Viola_
Stonewall Jackson, _H. L. Flash_
Stonewall Jackson--a Dirge, _Anonymous_
Beaufort, _W. J. Grayson_
The Empty Sleeve, _J. R. Bagby_
Cotton Burners' Hymn, _Memphis Appeal_
Reading the List, _Anonymous_
His Last Words, _Anonymous_
Charge of Hagood's Brigade, _J. Blythe Allston_
Carolina, _Jno. A, Wagener_
Savannah, _Alethea S. Burroughs_
"Old Betsy," _John Killian_
Awake! Arise! _G. W. Archer_
Albert Sydney Johnston, _Mary Jervey_
Eulogy of the Dead, _B. F. Porter_
The Beaufort Exile, _Anonymous_
Somebody's Darling, _Miss Maria LaCoste_
John Pegram, _W. Gordon McGabe_
Captives Going Home, _Anonymous_
Heights of Mission Ridge, _J. A. Signaigo_
Our Left at Manassas, _Anonymous_
On to Richmond, _J. R. Thompson_
Turner Ashby, _Ibid_.
Captain Latan�, _Ibid_.
The Men, _Maurice Bell_
The Rebel Soldier, _Kentucky Girl_
Battle of Hampton Roads, _Ossian D. Gorman_
"Is this a time to dance?" _Anonymous_
The Maryland Line, _J. D, McCabe, Jr._
I give my Soldier Boy a blade, _H. M. L._
Sonnet--Avatar of Hell, _Anonymous_
Stonewall Jackson's Way, _Anonymous_
The Silent March, _Anonymous_
Pro Memoria, _Ina M. Porter_
Southern Homes in Ruins, _R. B. Vance_
Rappahannock Army Song, _J. C. McLemore_
Soldier in the Rain, _Julia L. Keyes_
My Country, _W. D. Porter_
After the Battle, _Miss Agnes Leonard_
Our Confederate Dead, _Lady of Augusta_
Ye Cavaliers of Dixie, _B. F. Porter_
Song of Spring, _Jno. A. Wagener_
What the Village Bell said, _Jno. C. McLemore_
The Tree, the Serpent, and the Star, _A. P. Gray_
Southern War Hymn, _Jno. A. Wagener_
The Battle Rainbow, _J. R. Thompson_
Stonewall Jackson, _Richmond Broadside_
Dirge for Ashby, _Mrs. M. J. Preston_
Sacrifice, _Charleston Mercury_
Sonnet, _Ibid_.
Grave of A. Sydney Johnston, _J. B. Synott_
"Not doubtful of your Fatherland," _Charleston Mercury_
Only a Soldier's grave, _S. A. Jonas_
The Guerrilla Martyrs, _Charleston Mercury_
"Libera Nos, O Domine!" _James Barron Hope_
The Knell shall sound once more, _Charleston Mercury_
Gendron Palmer, of the Holcombe Legion, _Ina M. Porter_
Mumford, the Martyr of New Orleans, _Ibid_.
The Foe at the Gates--Charleston, _J. Dickson Bruns_
Savannah Fallen, _Alethea S. Burroughs_
Bull Run--A Parody, _Anonymous_
"Stack Arms," _Jos. Blythe Allston_
Doffing the Gray, _Lieutenant Falligant_
In the Land where we were dreaming, _D. B. Lucas_
Ballad--"Yes, build your Walls," _Charleston Mercury_
The Lines around Petersburg, _Samuel Davis_
All is gone, Fadette--_Memphis Appeal_
Bowing her Head, _Savannah Broadside_
The Confederate Flag, _Anna Peyre Dinnies_
Ashes of Glory, _A. J. Requier_
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