War Poetry of the South by Various

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Page 2

His own collections, made during the progress of the war, from the
newspapers, chiefly, of South Carolina, Virginia, and Georgia, were
copious. Of these, many have been omitted from this collection, which, he
trusts, will some day find another medium of publication. He has been able
to ascertain the authorship, in many cases, of these writings; but must
regret still that so many others, under a too fastidious delicacy, deny
that their names should be made known. It is to be hoped that they will
hereafter be supplied. To the numerous ladies who have so frankly and
generously contributed to this collection, by sending originals and making
copies, he begs to offer his most grateful acknowledgments.

A large proportion of the pieces omitted are of elegiac character. Of this
class, he could find a place for such pieces only as were dedicated to the
most distinguished of the persons falling in battle, or such as are marked
by the higher characteristics of poetry--freshness, thought, and
imagination. But many of the omitted pieces are quite worthy of
preservation. Much space has not been given to that class of songs, camp
catches, or marching ballads, which are so numerous in the "Rebel Rhymes"
of Mr. Moore. The songs which are most popular are rarely such as may
claim poetical rank. They depend upon lively music and certain
spirit-stirring catchwords, and are rarely worked up with much regard
to art or even, propriety. Still, many of these should have found a place
in this volume, had adequate space been allowed the editor. It is his
desire, as well as that of the publisher, to collect and bind together
these fugitives in yet another publication. He will preserve the
manuscripts and copies of all unpublished pieces, with the view to this
object--keeping them always subject to the wishes of their several

At the close, he must express the hope that these poems will be
recognized, not only as highly creditable to the Southern mind, but as
truly illustrative, if not justificatory of, that sentiment and opinion
with which they have been written; which sentiment and opinion have
sustained their people through a war unexampled in its horrors in modern
times, and which has fully tested their powers of endurance, as well as
their ability in creating their own resources, under all reverses, and
amidst every form of privation.


Brooklyn, September 8, 1866.


Ethnogenesis, _Henry Timrod_
God Save the South, _George H. Miles_
"You can never win them back", _Catherine M. Warfield_
The Southern Cross, _E. K. Blunt_
South Carolina, _S. Henry Dickson_
The New Star, _B. M. Anderson_
The Irrepressible Conflict, _Tyrt�us_
The Southern Republic, _Olivia T. Thomas_
"Is there then no Hope?", _Charleston Courier_
The Fate of the Republic, _Charleston Mercury_
The Voice of the South, _Charleston Mercury_
The Oath of Freedom, _James Barron Hope_
The Battle Cry of the South, _James R. Randall_
Sonnet, _Charleston Mercury_
Seventy-six and Sixty-one, _J. W. Overall_
"Reddato Gladium", _Richmond Whig_
"Nay, keep the Sword", _Richmond Whig_
Coercion, _John R. Thompson_
A Cry to Arms, _Henry Timrod_
Jackson, the Alexandria Martyr, _W. H. Holcombe_
The Martyr of Alexandria, _James W. Simmons_
The Blessed Union, _Charleston Mercury_
The Fire of Freedom, _Richmond paper_
Hymn to the National Flag, _Mrs. M. J. Preston_
Sonnet--moral of party, _Charleston Mercury_
Our Faith in '61, _A. J. Requier_
"Wouldst thou have me love thee?", _Alex. B. Meek_
Enlisted to-day, _Anonymous_
"My Maryland", _James R. Randall_
The Boy Soldier, _Lady of Savannah_
The good old cause, _John D. Phelan_
Manassas, _Catherine M. Warfield_
Virginia, _Ibid._
The War-Christian's Thanksgiving, _S. Teackle Wallis_
Sonnet, _Charleston Mercury_
Marching to Death, _J. Herbert Sass_
Charleston, _Henry Timrod_
Charleston, _Paul H. Hayne_
"Ye Men of Alabama", _Jno. D. Phelan_
Nec temere, nec timida, _Annie C. Ketchum_
Dixie, _Albert Pike_
The Old Rifleman, _Frank Ticknor_
Battle Hymn, _Charleston Mercury_
Kentucky, she is sold, _J. R. Barrick_
The Ship of State, _Charleston Mercury_
"In his blanket on the ground," _Caroline H. Gervais_
The Mountain Partisan, _Charleston Mercury_
The Cameo Bracelet, _James R. Randall_
Zollicoffer, _Henry L. Flash_
Beauregard, _Catherine M. Warfield_
South Carolina, _Gossypium_
Carolina, _Henry Timrod_
My Mother Land, _Paul H. Hayne_
Joe Johnston, _Jno. R. Thompson_
Over the River, _Jane T. H. Cross_
The Confederacy, _Jane T. H. Cross_
President Davis, _Jane T. H. Cross_
The Rifleman's Fancy Shot, _Anonymous_
"All quiet along the Potomac"
Prize Address, _Henry Timrod_
The Battle of Richmond, _Geo. Herbert Sass_
The Guerrillas, _S. Teackle Wallis_
A Farewell to Pope, _Jno. R. Thompson_
Sonnet--Public Prayer, _South Carolinian_
Battle of Belmont, _J.A. Signaigo_
Vicksburg, _Paul H. Hayne_
Ballad of the War, _G.H. Sass_
The two Armies, _Henry Timrod_
The Legion of Honor, _H.L. Flash_
Clouds in the West, _A.J. Requier_
Georgia! My Georgia!, _Carrie B. Sinclair_
Song of the Texan Rangers, _Anonymous_
Kentucky required to yield her arms, _Anonymous_
There's life in the old land yet, _J.B. Randall_
"Tell the boys the War is ended," _Emily J. Moore_
The Southern Cross, _St. George Tucker_
England's Neutrality, _John R. Thompson_
Close the Ranks, _J.L. O'Sullivan_
The Sea-kings of the South, _Ed. G. Bruce_
The Return, _Anonymous_
Our Christmas Hymn, _J. Dickson Bruns_
Charleston, _Miss E.B. Cheesborough_
Gathering Song, _Annie Chambers Ketchum_
Christmas, _Henry Timrod_
A Prayer for Peace, _S. Teackle Wallis_
The Band in the Pines, _Jno. Esten Cooke_
At Fort Pillow, _James R. Randall_
From the Rapidan, _Anonymous_
Song of our Southland, _Mrs. Mary Ware_
Sonnets, _Paul H. Hayne_
Hospital Duties, _Charleston Courier_
They cry Peace, Peace! _Mrs. Alethea S. Burroughs_
Ballad--"What! have ye thought?" _Charleston Mercury_
Missing, _Anonymous_
Ode--"Souls of Heroes," _Charleston Mercury_
Jackson, _Henry L. Flash_
Captain Maffit's Ballad, _Charleston Mercury_
Melt the Bells, _F. T. Rockett_
John Pelham, _James R. Randall_
"Ye batteries of Beauregard," _J. R. Barrick_
"When Peace returns," _Olivia T. Thomas_
The Right above the Wrong, _J. W. Overall_
Carmen Triumphale, _Henry Timrod_
The Fiend Unbound, _Charleston Mercury_
The Unknown Dead, _Henry Timrod_
Ode--"Do ye quail?" _W. Gilmore Simms_
Ode--"Our City by the Sea," _Ibid_.
The Lone Sentry, _J. R. Randall_
My Soldier Brother, _Sallie E. Bollard_
Seaweeds, _Annie Chambers Ketchum_
The Salkehatchie, _Emily J. Moore_

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