Curly and Floppy Twistytail; the Funny Piggie Boys by Howard R. Garis


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Page 2

One of these little boy pigs always wore short trousers with stripes
painted on them, and the other little piggie chap's trousers were
like a checker-board.

And then--oh, but I almost forgot about the little baby pig. She was
the sweetest little creature you can imagine, and her right name was
Pinky, because she was so pink, just like a baby's toes when she
sleeps in her crib. But Pinky was hardly ever called by her right
name, almost every one said just "Baby," and that answered very

And now I'm going to tell you how one of the pigs got his name. He
was the oldest pig of the three children, and one day he and his
brother thought they would go out for a walk.

"Come along!" exclaimed the oldest boy pig. "Maybe we will have an
adventure, such as Uncle Wiggily Longears used to have," for you see
the pigs knew Uncle Wiggly almost as well as you do.

"All right," said the younger boy pig. "Where shall we go?"

"Off in the woods," spoke his brother. "The woods are full of

So they strolled out of their house, and started for the woods. I
forgot to say that the Twistytail family of pigs lived in a regular
house--of course not the kind you boys and girls live in, but still
it was a very good house for pigs. It had tables in it, and chairs
and beds and all things like that. And the reason they were called
"Twistytail" was because their tails did have a sort of twist or
turn in them.

Well, the two pig boys wandered on through the woods, and pretty
soon they came to two paths, one leading to left and the other to
the right.

"Let's go this way," said the older pig boy, who yet didn't have any
name, and he pointed his leg toward the right-hand path.

"No, I think we will find an adventure on this road," said his
younger brother, and he started off to the left.

"Oh, there you go!" cried the older pig boy. "You never want to do
what I like!"

"Well, I've got just as good a right to go this way as you have to
go that way," answered the younger piggie-iggie, and so those two
brothers, instead of keeping together and looking for adventures,
separated, and one went one way, while the other went the other way.
And now you just wait and see what happens.

All of a sudden, as the older piggie boy was walking along, digging
up nice sweet roots with his nose--for you know that is the way
piggies dig--all of a sudden, I say, there was a growling noise in
the bushes, and before the little pig boy could jump out of the way,
or even call for his mamma or papa, a big black bear sprang out from
inside a hollow stump, and grabbed him. Right in his paws he grabbed
that little pig boy.

"Oh, ho!" growled the big black bear. "You are just what I've been
waiting for. Now for a nice roast pork dinner. Oh, yum! yum!"

"Oh!" squealed the little pig boy. "Surely you don't mean to eat me,
Mr. Bear! Please let me go!"

"Indeed I'll not!" exclaimed the bear. "I was hiding here, hoping
Sammie Littletail or Uncle Wiggily would come along, so I could have
a rabbit dinner, but you will do just as well. Come along!"

And so the bear carried off the little piggie boy farther into the
woods, intending to take him to a den where there was a good hot
fire. And all the while the little piggie tried to get away but he
couldn't because the bear held him so tightly in his paws.

Pretty soon the bear came to his den. Then he said:

"Let me see, now. I must have some apple sauce to go with my roast
pork dinner. I'll just tie this little pig to the fence while I go
off and get some apples to make into sauce. I can cook the apples
and the pig on the same fire."

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