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Page 5
The original measures the feminine rhymes and the alliteration of "Ring's
Drapa," are, in our estimation, essential features of a good rendering of the
poem, and if we have done our work well we do not fear that any one will think
there are too many translations.
For a fuller history of "Fridthjof 's Saga" than can be given in this note, we
refer the reader to Anderson's "Viking Tales," where the sagas on which this
story is founded appear in full.
The preparation of this translation has been a home work which has brightened
for us the firelight of many a pleasant evening. We publish it in full faith
that it will have a like happy effect in whatever home it may be read.
October, 1876.
Canto I. Fridthjof and Ingeborg
Canto II. King Bele and Thorstein
Canto III. Fridthjof's Inheritance
Canto IV. Fridthjof's Courtship
Canto V. King Ring
Canto VI. Fridthjof Plays Chess
Canto VII. Fridthjof's Happiness
Canto VIII. The Parting
Canto IX. Ingeborg's Lament
Canto X. Fridthjof at Sea
Canto XI. Fridthjof with Angantyr
Canto XII. The Return
Canto XIII. Balder's Funeral Pile
Canto XIV. Fridthjof Goes Into Exile
Canto XV. The Viking Code
Canto XVI. Fridthjof and Bjorn
Canto XVII. Fridthjof Comes to King Ring
Canto XVIII. The Ride on the Ice
Canto XIX. Fridthjof's Temptation
Canto XX. King Ring's Death
Canto XXI. Ring's Drapa
Canto XXII. The King's Election
Canto XXIII. Fridthjof at his Father's Grave
Canto XXIV. The Reconciliation
Bele. (Pronounced Bay'-lay.) King of Sogn, in Norway.
Helge (Hel'-gay) and Halfdan. His sons.
Ingeborg. (Ing'-e-borg.) His daughter.
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