Notes and Queries, Number 63, January 11, 1851 by Various


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Page 7

A third edition of

"De Spectator, of verrezene Socrates. Uit het Engelsch vertaald door
A.G. & R.G. (some volumes by P. le Clercq) t'Amsterdam, by Dirk
Sligtenhorst, Boekverkooper, 1743, ix. vol. 12�."


_Long Meg of Westminster_ (Vol. ii., p. 131.).--The same epithet has been
applied to women in other places. In the parish Register of Tiverton,
Devon, is the following entry:

"Burials. April, 1596. The long Jone seruant to Mr. Demant's. iii.

Why should "long Meg" be more fabulous than "long Jone?"


_Errors in the Date of Printed Books._--In the title-page of Peter Heylin's
_Microcosmos_, 8th ed., the date is printed 1939 instead of 1639. In like
manner, in _Historical Applications and occasional Meditations upon several
Subjects, written by a Person of Honour_, printed in 1670, the imprimatur,
signed "Sam. Parker," is dated 1970, instead of 1670. In each of these
cases the error is evidently caused by the compositor having inverted the
figure 6, which thus became 9.


* * * * *



Your correspondent, who subscribes himself JANUS DOUSA in the last number
of "NOTES AND QUERIES," ought to be able, and I dare say will be able, to
supply through your columns information of which I have been long in
search. In 1586 his great namesake printed at Lugd. Batav. a collection of
Greek and Latin poems upon dead and living persons of distinction. Geoffrey
Whitney, an Englishman, apparently residing at Leyden, and {23} who printed
two works there in his own language, has fifteen six-line stanzas preceding
Dousa's collection, and he subjoins to it a translation of a copy of
Dousa's verses on the Earl of Leicester. Of these I have a memorandum, and
they are not what I want; but what I am at a loss for is a copy of verses
by Dousa, in the same volume, upon Sir Philip Sidney. It is many years
since I saw the book, and I am not sure if there be not two copies of
verses to Sidney, in which he is addressed as _Princeps_; and if your
correspondent can furnish me with either, or both, I shall be much obliged
to him.

Will you allow me to put another question relating to an old Dutch
song-book that has lately fallen in my way; and though I can hardly expect
a man like JANUS DOUSA to know anything about such a trifle, it is on some
accounts a matter of importance to me, in connection with two early English
songs, and one or other of your many friends may not object to aid me. The
book is called _De zingende Lootsman of de Vrolyke Boer_, and it professes
to be the _tweede druk_: the imprint is _Te Amsteldam By S. en W. Koene,
Boekdrukkers, Boek en Papierverkoopers, op de Linde Gragt_. The information
I request is the date of the work, for I can find none; and whether any
_first part_ of it is known in England, and where?

You are probably aware that the Dutch adopted not a few of our early tunes,
and they translated also some of our early songs. These I am anxious to


* * * * *


_Sir Cloudesley Shovel._--In Mrs. Markham's _History of England_ it is
stated that Sir Cloudesley Shovel escaped from the wreck of his ship, but
was murdered afterwards by a woman, who on her death-bed confessed it.

Is there any authentic record elsewhere published?


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