Notes and Queries, Number 63, January 11, 1851 by Various


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Page 3

Thy Grandsire great, and father too,
Were thine examples thus to doe,
Whose brave attempts, in heate of love,
Both France and Denmark did approve.
For Jack and Tom do nothing newe
When Love and Fortune they pursue.

Kind shepheardes that have lov'd them long,
Be not rasfe in censuringe wronge,
Correct your feares, leave of to mourne,
The Heavens will favour their returne;
Committ your cares to Royall Pan,
For Jack his sonne and Tom his man.


From London, 31. Martii, 1623.

Prefaced to this poem is an extract from a letter of Buckingham's to his
wife, containing an account of their reception: but it is hardly worth


* * * * *


Having been requested by a foreign nobleman to furnish him with a list of
the editions of the works of Camoens, and of the various translations, I
have prepared one; and considering the information might be interesting to
several of your readers, I send you a copy for insertion It besides affords
an opportunity of asking after those editions, to which I have added the
observations. The first star indicates that the works are in my private
collection, as are several other works relating to that celebrated poet.
Obras means the collected works.


Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Dec. l6. 1850.


Obras. Lusiadas. Rimas. Comedias. Size. Date. Observations

* -- * -- -- 4to. 1572
* -- * -- -- 4to. 1572
* -- * -- -- 8vo. 1584 The first with any
-- -- -- * 1587 Very doubtful.
-- * -- -- 8vo. 1591 Supposed to be a mistake
for 1584.
* -- -- * -- 4to. 1595
* -- * -- -- 4to. 1597
* -- -- * -- 4to. 1593
-- -- * -- 1601 Very dubious.
-- * -- -- 1607 Dubious, but mentioned by
* -- -- * -- 4to. 1607
* -- * -- -- 4to. 1609
* -- * -- -- 4to. 1612
* -- * -- -- 4to. 1613
* -- -- * -- 4to. 1614
* -- -- -- * 4to. 1615
* -- -- * -- 4to. 1616
-- * -- -- 32mo. 1620 Mentioned by Machado.
-- -- * -- 4to. 1621
* -- -- * -- 32mo. 1623
* -- * -- -- 32mo. 1626
* -- -- * -- 32mo. 1629
* -- * -- -- 32mo. 1631
* -- * -- -- 32mo. 1633
* -- * -- -- Folio.1639
* -- * -- -- 32mo. 1644
* -- -- * -- 32mo. 1645
-- * -- -- 32mo.}1651 { Sold together at Bridge's
-- -- * -- 32mo.} { sale. Machado mentions
{ the edition of the
{ _Lusiad_ printed by
{ Pedro Craerbeeck.
* -- * -- -- 12mo. 1663
* -- -- * -- 12mo. 1663
* -- -- * -- 4to. 1666
-- -- * -- 4to. 1668
-- -- * -- 4to. 1669
* -- * -- -- 4to. 1669
* * -- -- -- 4to. 1669
* -- * -- -- 12mo. 1670
* -- -- * -- 12mo. 1670
* -- -- * -- Folio.1685-9
* * -- -- -- Folio.1720
* -- * -- -- 12mo. 1721
* -- -- * -- 12mo. 1721 Has no separate title.
* -- * -- -- 4to. 1731-2
-- * -- -- 1749 { Mentioned in Clarke's
{ _Progress of Maritime_
{ _Discovery._
* * -- -- -- 12mo. 1759
* * -- -- -- 12mo. 1772
* * -- -- -- 8vo. 1779-80
* * -- -- -- 8vo. 1782-83
* -- * -- -- 18mo. 1800
* -- * -- -- 18mo. 1805
* * -- -- -- 12mo. 1815
-- * -- -- 4to. 1817
* -- * -- -- 12mo. 1818
* -- * -- -- 8vo. 1819
* -- * -- -- 12mo. 1821
* -- * -- -- 18mo. 1823
* * -- -- -- 8vo. 1843
* -- -- -- 8vo. 1846

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