Handbook on Japanning: 2nd Edition by William N. Brown

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Page 11

[Illustration: FIG. 3--Showing Stove when Open, and Back of Door.]

Inside the stove it will be necessary to fix rows of iron rods, some
four inches from the top, from which to suspend the work, or
angle-iron ledges can be used on which the rods or bars can be fixed,
these arrangements being varied according to the particular
description of work, individual fancy, or other circumstances. Large S
hooks are about the handiest to use. A necessary adjunct of the stove
is a pan, which can be made by any handy man or tinworker, which
should be made to fit the bottom of the stove above the gas jets, it
being arranged that it rests on two side ledges, or along some rods.
One a couple of inches in depth will be found sufficient, and it will
repay its cost in the saving of enamel, it being possible with its use
to enamel a bicycle with as little as a gallon of enamel. Some workmen
have the tray made with a couple of hinged side flaps, to turn over
and cover up the pan when not in use, but this is a matter of fancy.
Of course, they must always be covered up when not in use. For those
who would prefer to use Bunsen burners, I show at Fig. 4 a sketch of
the best to employ, these having three rows of holes in each.

[Illustration: FIG. 4.--Bunsen Burner.]

When brick ovens are employed they must be lined with sheet-iron, and
in these very rare circumstances where gas is not available, the stove
can be heated with coal or wood, which will, of course, involve a
total alteration in the structural arrangements. I have not given the
details here, as I do not think the necessity will ever arise for
their use, and for the same reason I have refrained from giving the
particulars for heating by steam and electricity, or the other methods
which have been adopted by various workers, as there is no question
but that a gas stove or oven, as described, is about the best and
handiest for jobbers or amateurs.


The modern japanning and enamelling stove consists of a compartment
capable of being heated to any desired temperature, say 100� to 400�
F., and at the same time, except as regards ventilation, capable of
being hermetically sealed so as to prevent access of dust, soot, and
dirt of all kinds to mar the beauty and lustre of the object being
enamelled or japanned. Such a stove may be heated--

1. By a direct coal, coke, wood, peat, or gas fire (which surrounds
the inner isolated chamber) (Fig. 5).

2. By heated air.

3. By steam or hot-water pipes, coils of which circulate round the
interior of the stove or under the floor.

Such ovens may be either permanent, that is, built into masonry, or

[Illustration: FIG. 5.--Greuzburg's Japanning Oven.]

1. _Stoves heated by direct fire._--These were, of course, the form in
which japanning ovens were constructed somewhat after the style of a
drying kiln. Fig. 5, Greuzburg's japanning oven heated on the outside
by hot gases from furnace. The oven is built into brickwork, and the
hot gases circulate in the flues between the brickwork and the oven,
and its erection and the arrangement of the heating flues are a
bricklayer's job. Coke containing much sulphur is objectionable as a
fuel for enamel stoves Mr. Dickson emphasizes this very forcibly. He
says: "In the days when stoves were heated by coke furnaces, and the
heat distributed by the flues, the principal trouble was the escape of
fumes of sulphur which caused dire disaster to all the enamels by
entering into their composition and preventing their ever drying, not
to speak of hardening. I have known enamels to be in the stoves with
heat to 270� for two and three days, and then be soft. The sulphur
also caused the enamels to crack in a peculiar manner, much like a
crocodile skin, and work so affected could never be made
satisfactory, for here again we come back to the first principle,
that if the foundation be not good, the superstructure can never be
permanent. The enamels, being permeated with sulphur and other
products from the coke, could never be made satisfactory, and the only
way was to clean it all off. The other principal troubles are the
blowing of the work in air bubbles, which is caused mainly by the heat
being too suddenly applied to the articles, but these are very small
matters to the experienced craftsman."

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