The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 29, May 27, 1897 by Various


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Page 7

The steerage passengers, who were all Chinamen, were taken to the
quarantine station, where the usual process of fumigation and disinfection
took place.

There were, doubtless, many protests and wails from the unfortunate
Celestials, but nobody heeded them, and the work was carried through
without difficulty.

When, however, it came to the other passengers, there was a great
disturbance. The English were furious, threatening terrible things if any
one attempted to fumigate them. A special company of 200 armed men was
consequently detailed to guard the quarantine station, lest the passengers
should attempt to get away before the twenty-four days were over.

All this trouble was as nothing, however, to that which arose when it was
conveyed to His Excellency Chang, Special Envoy from the Emperor of China
to Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, that he needed disinfecting!

Accompanying the Envoy was his suite, which was composed of a number of
Chinamen of high rank. None of these illustrious persons had the slightest
knowledge of Western ways, and they one and all protested that to fumigate
them, or their great Chang, was practically fumigating the Emperor of
China! In their eyes this seemed the most awful crime that mortal could

His Excellency Chang refused to submit to any such insulting treatment,
and appealed to the Canadian Government, the British Government, and the
Chinese Ministers in London to protect him.

He declared that, rather than submit, he would go back to China without
fulfilling his mission,--a proceeding fraught with considerable danger to
himself, as he stated that the Emperor, his master, might cut off his
head, and the heads of all his suite, for disobedience to his wishes. But
the noble Envoy preferred death to fumigation.

What he imagined fumigation was it is impossible to say, but he warned the
authorities that if they attempted it, the Emperor of China would declare
war on England.

The unfortunate officials did not know what to do, and waited in a great
state of anxiety for orders from the Government.

The story does not say how the matter was arranged, but as His Excellency
is now in New York, and war has not been declared by China, it is to be
supposed that he was not fumigated.

* * * * *

The Japanese are a very progressive people.

A generation ago the inhabitants of Japan were not allowed to leave their
country, nor were foreigners permitted to enter it.

Since the war with China Japan has taken a wonderful start; her commerce
and manufactures have greatly increased, and her people have begun to seek
a better market for their labors, and emigrate to foreign countries.

Japan is a densely populated land, and the inhabitants have not been slow
to see that an overcrowded country, where thousands of people are
constantly unemployed, is not a good place to make money in.

Since the Japanese have been permitted to seek their fortunes in other
lands, they have emigrated in vast numbers.

They are now to be found all over the world.

We have spoken about them in Hawaii, but the Sandwich Islanders are not
the only people to protest against them as colonists.

In British Columbia they have arrived in such hordes that the Government
has been considering laws to keep them out in future.

In California there is a strong opposition to them. They are not desired
in Australia, nor in the English colonies in the Pacific Ocean.

With all these countries making laws against them, and Hawaii sending them
back from her shores, it would seem that the thrifty Japanese would have
to stay in their own country. However, a haven has just been offered to
them in Mexico.

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