The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 29, May 27, 1897 by Various


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Page 6

The Duchess d'Alen�on, one of the unfortunate ladies who perished in the
flames, was not only the niece of the Duke d'Aumale, but the sister of the
Empress of Austria.

This same duchess came near being a queen herself, for at one time she was
betrothed to the King of Bavaria, the same King who first understood and
appreciated Richard Wagner, the famous composer, and encouraged him to
write the wonderful works which have changed the whole history of music.

* * * * *

Li Hung Chang has not forgotten us, though he is far away in his own

His regard for General Grant was well known, and when he came to this
country he expressed a wish to visit the tomb of his dead friend.

While paying this visit he said that he would like to show his regard for
the great man in some permanent way.

It was suggested that he should plant a tree on the site of the old tomb,
and he seemed greatly pleased with the idea, but nothing further was said
on the subject at the time.

The other day Mr. Yang Yu received a letter from the Viceroy, asking him
to plant the tree before he left the country.

Mr. Yang Yu is the Chinese Minister who has just been recalled from
Washington, and sent on an important mission to St. Petersburg.

When the Minister received the order from the Viceroy, he sent word to the
Park Commissioners asking them if the matter could be arranged.

It was not possible for Li Hung to send a tree from China, but he wrote
Yang Yu that he would like him to select a tree that was a native of

A tree was obtained which is a native of Japan and China. It is called the
Maidenhair tree, because its leaves resemble those of the Maidenhair fern.

Its botanical name is _Gingko Biloba_.

The tree was partly planted by the gardeners, and then the Chinese
Minister, accompanied by some members of the Grant family, proceeded to
the spot to perform the ceremony in the name of Li Hung Chang.

The Minister threw a few shovelfuls of earth on the roots of the tree, and
then read some words in Chinese from a scroll he carried.

The words were translated by the Secretary, and proved to be:

"This tree is planted at the side of the tomb of General U.S. Grant,
ex-President of the United States of America, for the purpose of
commemorating him, by Li Hung Chang, guardian of the Prince, Grand
Secretary of the State, and Earl of the first order.

"Vice-President of the Centre Board.
"Kwang Hsu, 23d year, fourth moon, seventh day."

This inscription is to be cut in marble, in Chinese and also in English,
and placed near the tomb.

The Mr. Yang Yu who performed the ceremony is the Minister whom the See
Yups came on from San Francisco to visit.

It does not seem as if he were going to be of much use to them, for
instead of returning to China he is to go to St. Petersburg, and he may
not see his Emperor for a very long time.

* * * * *

An amusing story comes from Victoria, British Columbia, about the Chinese
special envoy, who has just arrived in New York on his way to London.

When the Canadian Pacific steamer which brought him over from China
arrived in port, it was found that she had two cases of smallpox on board.

The authorities of Victoria at once ordered her to quarantine for
twenty-four days.

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