The Wallet of Kai Lung by Ernest Bramah


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Page 21

"Oh, my artless and noble-minded lover!" exclaimed Mian, "assuredly a
veil has been before your eyes during your residence in Canton, and
your naturally benevolent mind has turned all things into good, or you
would not thus hopefully refer to your brilliant exploits in the past.
Of what commercial benefit have they been to the sordid and miserly
persons in authority, or in what way have they diverted a stream of
taels into their insatiable pockets? Far greater is the chance that
had Si-chow fallen many of its household goods would have found their
way into the Yamens of Canton. Assuredly in Li Keen you will have a
friend who will make many delicate allusions to your ancestors when
you meet, and yet one who will float many barbed whispers to follow
you when you have passed; for you have planted shame before him in the
eyes of those who would otherwise neither have eyes to see nor tongues
to discuss the matter. It is for such a reason that this person
distrusts all things connected with the journey, except your
constancy, oh, my true and strong one."

"Such faithfulness would alone be sufficient to assure my safe return
if the matter were properly represented to the supreme Deities," said
Ling. "Let not the thin curtain of bitter water stand before your
lustrous eyes any longer, then, the events which have followed one
another in the past few days in a fashion that can only be likened to
thunder following lightning are indeed sufficient to distress one with
so refined and swan-like an organization, but they are now assuredly
at an end."

"It is a hope of daily recurrence to this person," replied Mian,
honourably endeavouring to restrain the emotion which openly exhibited
itself in her eyes; "for what maiden would not rather make successful
offerings to the Great Mother Kum-Fa than have the most imposing and
verbose Triumphal Arch erected to commemorate an empty and
unsatisfying constancy?"

In this amiable manner the matter was arranged between Ling and Mian,
as they sat together in the magician's garden drinking peach-tea,
which the two attendants--not without discriminating and significant
expressions between themselves--brought to them from time to time.
Here Ling made clear the whole manner of his life from his earliest
memory to the time when he fell in dignified combat, nor did Mian
withhold anything, explaining in particular such charms and spells of
the magician as she had knowledge of, and in this graceful manner
materially assisting her lover in the many disagreeable encounters and
conflicts which he was shortly to experience.

It was with even more objectionable feelings than before that Ling now
contemplated his journey to Canton, involving as it did the separation
from one who had become as the shadow of his existence, and by whose
side he had an undoubted claim to stand. Yet the necessity of the
undertaking was no less than before, and the full possession of all
his natural powers took away his only excuse for delaying in the
matter. Without any pleasurable anticipations, therefore, he consulted
the Sacred Flat and Round Sticks, and learning that the following day
would be propitious for the journey, he arranged to set out in
accordance with the omen.

When the final moment arrived at which the invisible threads of
constantly passing emotions from one to the other must be broken, and
when Mian perceived that her lover's horse was restrained at the door
by the two attendants, who with unsuspected delicacy of feeling had
taken this opportunity of withdrawing, the noble endurance which had
hitherto upheld her melted away, and she became involved in very
melancholy and obscure meditations until she observed that Ling also
was quickly becoming affected by a similar gloom.

"Alas!" she exclaimed, "how unworthy a person I am thus to impose upon
my lord a greater burden than that which already weighs him down!
Rather ought this one to dwell upon the happiness of that day, when,
after successfully evading or overthrowing the numerous bands of
assassins which infest the road from here to Canton, and after
escaping or recovering from the many deadly pestilences which
invariably reduce that city at this season of the year, he shall
triumphantly return. Assuredly there is a highly-polished surface
united to every action in life, no matter how funereal it may at first
appear. Indeed, there are many incidents compared with which death
itself is welcome, and to this end Mian has reserved a farewell gift."

Speaking in this manner the devoted and magnanimous maiden placed in
Ling's hands the transparent vessel of liquid which the magician had
grasped when he fell. "This person," she continued, speaking with
difficulty, "places her lover's welfare incomparably before her own
happiness, and should he ever find himself in a situation which is
unendurably oppressive, and from which death is the only escape--such
as inevitable tortures, the infliction of violent madness, or the
subjection by magic to the will of some designing woman--she begs him
to accept this means of freeing himself without regarding her anguish
beyond expressing a clearly defined last wish that the two persons in
question may be in the end happily reunited in another existence."

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Books | Photos | Paul Mutton | Wed 19th Mar 2025, 4:35