The Wallet of Kai Lung by Ernest Bramah


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Page 10

At length the day arrived on which the results were to be made public;
and Ling, together with all the other competitors and many
distinguished persons, attended at the great Hall of Intellectual
Coloured Lights to hear the reading of the lists. Eight thousand
candidates had been examined, and from this number less than two
hundred were to be selected for appointments. Amid a most
distinguished silence the winning names were read out. Waves of most
undignified but inevitable emotion passed over those assembled as the
list neared its end, and the chances of success became less at each
spoken word; and then, finding that his was not among them, together
with the greater part of those present, he became a prey to very
inelegant thoughts, which were not lessened by the refined cries of
triumph of the successful persons. Among this confusion the one who
had read the lists was observed to be endeavouring to make his voice
known, whereupon, in the expectation that he had omitted a name, the
tumult was quickly subdued by those who again had pleasurable visions.

"There was among the candidates one of the name of Ling," said he,
when no-noise had been obtained. "The written leaves produced by this
person are of a most versatile and conflicting order, so that, indeed,
the accomplished examiners themselves are unable to decide whether
they are very good or very bad. In this matter, therefore, it is
clearly impossible to place the expert and inimitable Ling among the
foremost, as his very uncertain success may have been brought about
with the assistance of evil spirits; nor would it be safe to pass over
his efforts without reward, as he may be under the protection of
powerful but exceedingly ill-advised deities. The estimable Ling is
told to appear again at this place after the gong has been struck
three times, when the matter will have been looked at from all round."

At this announcement there arose another great tumult, several crying
out that assuredly their written leaves were either very good or very
bad; but no further proclamation was made, and very soon the hall was
cleared by force.

At the time stated Ling again presented himself at the Hall, and was
honourably received.

"The unusual circumstances of the matter have already been put forth,"
said an elderly Mandarin of engaging appearance, "so that nothing
remains to be made known except the end of our despicable efforts to
come to an agreeable conclusion. In this we have been made successful,
and now desire to notify the result. A very desirable and not
unremunerative office, rarely bestowed in this manner, is lately
vacant, and taking into our minds the circumstances of the event, and
the fact that Ling comes from a Province very esteemed for the warlike
instincts of its inhabitants, we have decided to appoint him commander
of the valiant and blood-thirsty band of archers now stationed at
Si-chow, in the Province of Hu-Nan. We have spoken. Let three guns go
off in honour of the noble and invincible Ling, now and henceforth a
commander in the ever-victorious Army of the Sublime Emperor, brother
of the Sun and Moon, and Upholder of the Four Corners of the World."


Many hours passed before Ling, now more downcast in mind than the most
unsuccessful student in Canton, returned to his room and sought his
couch of dried rushes. All his efforts to have his distinguished
appointment set aside had been without avail, and he had been ordered
to reach Si-chow within a week. As he passed through the streets,
elegant processions in honour of the winners met him at every corner,
and drove him into the outskirts for the object of quietness. There he
remained until the beating of paper drums and the sound of exulting
voices could be heard no more; but even when he returned lanterns
shone in many dwellings, for two hundred persons were composing
verses, setting forth their renown and undoubted accomplishments,
ready to affix to their doors and send to friends on the next day. Not
giving any portion of his mind to this desirable act of behaviour,
Ling flung himself upon the floor, and, finding sleep unattainable,
plunged himself into profound meditation of a very uninviting order.
"Without doubt," he exclaimed, "evil can only arise from evil, and as
this person has always endeavoured to lead a life in which his
devotions have been equally divided between the sacred Emperor, his
illustrious parents, and his venerable ancestors, the fault cannot lie
with him. Of the excellence of his parents he has full knowledge;
regarding the Emperor, it might not be safe to conjecture. It is
therefore probable that some of his ancestors were persons of
abandoned manner and inelegant habits, to worship whom results in evil
rather than good. Otherwise, how could it be that one whose chief
delight lies in the passive contemplation of the Four Books and the
Five Classics, should be selected by destiny to fill a position
calling for great personal courage and an aggressive nature? Assuredly
it can only end in a mean and insignificant death, perhaps not even
followed by burial."

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