Rinkitink in Oz by L. Frank Baum

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Page 6

"Are we, then, less powerful than in my grandfather's
day?" asked Prince Inga.

The King shook his head thoughtfully.

"It is not that," said he. "That you may fully
understand that marvelous battle, I must confide to,
you a great secret. I have in my possession three Magic
Talismans, which I have ever guarded with utmost care,
keeping the knowledge of their existence from anyone
else. But, lest I should die, and the secret be lost, I
have decided to tell you what these talismans are and
where they are hidden. Come with me, my son.

He led the way through the rooms of the palace until
they came to the great banquet hall. There, stopping in
the center of the room, he stooped down and touched a
hidden spring in the tiled floor. At once one of the
tiles sank downward and the King reached within the
cavity and drew out a silken bag.

This bag he proceeded to open, showing Inga that it
contained three great pearls, each one as big around as
a marble. One had a blue tint and one was of a delicate
rose color, but the third was pure white.

"These three pearls," said the King, speaking in a
solemn, impressive voice, "are the most wonderful the
world has ever known. They were gifts to one of my
ancestors from the Mermaid Queen, a powerful fairy whom
he once had the good fortune to rescue from her
enemies. In gratitude for this favor she presented him
with these pearls. Each of the three possesses an
astonishing power, and whoever is their owner may count
himself a fortunate man. This one having the blue tint
will give to the person who carries it a strength so
great that no power can resist him. The one with the
pink glow will protect its owner from all dangers that
may threaten him, no matter from what source they may
come. The third pearl -- this one of pure white -- can
speak, and its words are always wise and helpful."

"What is this, my father!" exclaimed the Prince,
amazed; "do you tell me that a pearl can speak? It
sounds impossible."

"Your doubt is due to your ignorance of fairy
powers," returned the King, gravely. "Listen, my son,
and you will know that I speak the truth."

He held the white pearl to Inga's ear and the Prince
heard a small voice say distinctly: "Your father is
right. Never question the truth of what you fail to
understand, for the world is filled with wonders."

"I crave your pardon, dear father," said the Prince,
"for clearly I heard the pearl speak, and its words
were full of wisdom."

"The powers of the other pearls are even greater,"
resumed the King. "Were I poor in all else, these gems
would make me richer than any other monarch the world

"I believe that," replied Inga, looking at the
beautiful pearls with much awe. "But tell me, my
father, why do you fear the warriors of Regos and
Coregos when these marvelous powers are yours?"

"The powers are mine only while I have the pearls
upon my person," answered King Kitticut, "and I dare
not carry them constantly for fear they might be lost.
Therefore, I keep them safely hidden in this recess. My
only danger lies in the chance that my watchmen might
fail to discover the approach of our enemies and allow
the warrior invaders to seize me before I could secure
the pearls. I should, in that case, be quite powerless
to resist. My father owned the magic pearls at the time
of the Great Fight, of which you have so often heard,
and the pink pearl protected him from harm, while the
blue pearl enabled him and his people to drive away the
enemy. Often have I suspected that the destroying storm
was caused by the fairy mermaids, but that is a matter
of which I have no proof."

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