The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Book 47: Matthew by Anonymous


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Page 2

1:18. Now the generation of Christ was in this wise. When as his mother
Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found
with child, of the Holy Ghost.

1:19. Whereupon Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing
publicly to expose her, was minded to put her away privately.

1:20. But while he thought on these things, behold the Angel of the Lord
appeared to him in his sleep, saying: Joseph, son of David, fear not to
take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her, is of
the Holy Ghost.

1:21. And she shall bring forth a son: and thou shalt call his name
Jesus. For he shall save his people from their sins.

1:22. Now all this was done that it might be fulfilled which the Lord
spoke by the prophet, saying:

1:23. Behold a virgin shall be with child, and bring forth a son, and
they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with

1:24. And Joseph rising up from sleep, did as the angel of the Lord had
commanded him, and took unto him his wife.

1:25. And he knew her not till she brought forth her first born son: and
he called his name Jesus.

Till she brought forth her firstborn son... From these words Helvidius
and other heretics most impiously inferred that the blessed Virgin Mary
had other children besides Christ; but St. Jerome shews, by divers
examples, that this expression of the Evangelist was a manner of
speaking usual among the Hebrews, to denote by the word until, only what
is done, without any regard to the future. Thus it is said, Genesis 8. 6
and 7, that Noe sent forth a raven, which went forth, and did not return
till the waters were dried up on the earth. That is, did not return any
more. Also Isaias 46. 4, God says: I am till you grow old. Who dare
infer that God should then cease to be: Also in the first book of
Machabees 5. 54, And they went up to mount Sion with joy and gladness,
and offered holocausts, because not one of them was slain till they had
returned in peace. That is, not one was slain before or after they had
returned. God saith to his divine Son: Sit on my right hand till I make
thy enemies thy footstool. Shall he sit no longer after his enemies are
subdued? Yea and for all eternity. St. Jerome also proves by Scripture
examples, that an only begotten son, was also called firstborn, or first
begotten: because according to the law, the firstborn males were to be
consecrated to God; Sanctify unto me, saith the Lord, every firstborn
that openeth the womb among the children of Israel, etc. Ex. 13. 2.

Matthew Chapter 2

The offerings of the wise men: the flight into Egypt: the massacre of
the Innocents.

2:1. When Jesus therefore was born in Bethlehem of Juda, in the days of
king Herod, behold, there came wise men from the East to Jerusalem,

2:2. Saying: Where is he that is born king of the Jews? For we have seen
his star in the East, and are come to adore him.

2:3. And king Herod hearing this, was troubled, and all Jerusalem with

2:4. And assembling together all the chief priests and the scribes of
the people, he inquired of them where Christ should be born.

2:5. But they said to him: In Bethlehem of Juda. For so it is written by
the prophet:

2:6. And thou Bethlehem the land of Juda art not the least among the
princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come forth the captain that shall
rule my people Israel.

2:7. Then Herod, privately calling the wise men learned diligently of
them the time of the star which appeared to them;

2:8. And sending them into Bethlehem, said: Go and diligently inquire
after the child, and when you have found him, bring me word again, that
I also may come and adore him.

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