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Page 5
The hole destined to receive a shade or fruit tree should be at
least three feet in diameter and two feet deep. It then should be
partially filled with good surface soil, upon which the tree
should stand, so that its roots could extend naturally according
to their original growth. Good fine loam should be sifted through
and over them, and they should not be permitted to come in contact
with decaying matter or coarse, unfermented manure. The tree
should be set as deeply in the soil as it stood when first taken
up. As the earth is thrown gently through and over the roots it
should be packed lightly against them with the foot, and water,
should the season be rather dry and warm, poured in from time to
time to settle the fine soil about them. The surface should be
levelled at last with a slight dip toward the tree, so that spring
and summer rains may be retained directly about the roots. Then a
mulch of coarse manure is helpful, for it keeps the surface moist,
and its richness will reach the roots gradually in a diluted form.
A mulch of straw, leaves, or coarse hay is better than none at
all. After being planted, three stout stakes should be inserted
firmly in the earth at the three points of a triangle, the tree
being its centre. Then by a rope of straw or some soft material
the tree should be braced firmly between the protecting stakes,
and thus it is kept from being whipped around by the wind. Should
periods of drought ensue during the growing season, it would be
well to rake the mulch one side, and saturate the ground around
the young tree with an abundance of water, and the mulch afterward
spread as before. Such watering is often essential, and it should
be thorough. Unskilled persons usually do more harm than good by
their half-way measures in this respect.
Speaking of trees, it may so happen that the acre is already in
forest. Then, indeed, there should be careful discrimination in
the use of the axe. It may be said that a fine tree is in the way
of the dwelling. Perhaps the proposed dwelling is in the way of
the tree. In England the work of "groving," or thinning out trees,
is carried to the perfection of a fine art. One shudders at the
havoc which might be made by a stolid laborer. Indeed, to nearly
all who could be employed in preparing a wooded acre for
habitation, a tree would be looked upon as little more than so
much cord-wood or lumber.
If I had a wooded acre I should study the trees most carefully
before coming to any decision as to the situation of the dwelling
and out-buildings. Having removed those obviously unworthy to
remain, I should put in the axe very thoughtfully among the finer
specimens, remembering that I should be under the soil before
Nature could build others like them.
In the fitting up of this planet as the home of mankind it would
appear that the Creator regarded the coniferae, or evergreen
family, as well worthy of attention; for almost from the first,
according to geologists, this family records on the rocky tablets
of the earth its appearance, large and varied development, and its
adaptation to each change in climate and condition of the globe's
surface during the countless ages of preparation. Surely,
therefore, he who is evolving a home on one acre of the earth's
area cannot neglect a genus of trees that has been so signally
honored. Evergreens will speedily banish the sense of newness from
his grounds; for by putting them about his door he has added the
link which connects his acre with the earliest geological record
of tree-planting. Then, like Diedrich Knickerbocker, who felt that
he must trace the province of New York back to the origin of the
universe, he can look upon his coniferae and feel that his latest
work is in accord with one of the earliest laws of creation. I
imagine, however, that my readers' choice of evergreens will be
determined chiefly by the fact that they are always beautiful, are
easily managed, and that by means of them beautiful effects can be
created within comparatively small space. On Mr. Fuller's grounds I
saw what might be fittingly termed a small parterre of dwarf
evergreens, some of which were twenty-five years old.
Numbers of this family might be described as evergreen and gold;
for part of the perennial foliage shades off from the deepest
green to bright golden hues. Among the group of this variety,
Japanese in origin, Mr. Fuller showed me a "sporting" specimen,
which, from some obscure and remarkable impulse, appeared bent on
producing a new and distinct type. One of the branches was quite
different from all the others on the tree. It was pressed down and
layered in the soil beneath; when lo! a new tree was produced, set
out beside its parent, whom it soon surpassed in size, beauty, and
general vigor. Although still maintaining its green and golden
hues, it was so distinct that no one would dream that it was but a
"sport" from the adjacent dwarf and modest tree. Indeed, it
reminded one of Beatrix Esmond beside her gentle and retiring
mother. If it should not in the future emulate in caprice the fair
subject of comparison, it may eventually become one of the best-
known ornaments of our lawns. At present it appears nowise
inclined to hide its golden light under a bushel.
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