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Page 12
The codling-moth, or apple-worm, is another enemy that should be
fought resolutely, for it destroys millions of bushels of fruit.
In the latitude of New York State this moth begins its
depredations about the middle of June. Whatever may be thought of
the relation of the apple to the fall of man, this creature
certainly leads to the speedy fall of the apple. Who has not seen
the ground covered with premature and decaying fruit in July,
August, and September? Bach specimen will be found perforated by a
worm-hole. The egg has been laid in the calyx of the young apple,
where it soon hatches into a small white grub, which burrows into
the core, throwing out behind it a brownish powder. After about
three weeks of apple diet it eats its way out, shelters itself
under the scaly bark of the tree--if allowed to be scaly--or in
some other hiding-place, spins a cocoon, and in about three weeks
comes out a moth, and is ready to help destroy other apples. This
insect probably constitutes one of Nature's methods of preventing
trees from overbearing; but like some people we know, it so
exaggerates its mission as to become an insufferable nuisance. The
remedies recommended are that trees should be scraped free of all
scales in the spring, and washed with a solution of soft soap.
About the 1st of July, wrap bandages of old cloth, carpet, or rags
of any kind around the trunk and larger limbs. The worms will
appreciate such excellent cover, and will swarm into these hiding-
places to undergo transformation into moths. Therefore the wraps
of rags should often be taken down, thrown into scalding water,
dried, and replaced. The fruit as it falls should be picked up at
once and carried to the pigs, and, when practicable, worm-infested
specimens should be taken from the trees before the worm escapes.
The canker-worm in those localities where it is destructive can be
guarded against by bands of tar-covered canvas around the trees.
The moth cannot fly, but crawls up the tree in the late autumn and
during mild spells in winter, but especially throughout the spring
until May. When, the evil-disposed moth meets the 'tarry band he
finds no thoroughfare, and is either caught or compelled to seek
some other arena of mischief.
We have all seen the flaunting, unsightly abodes of the tent
caterpillar and the foliage-denuded branches about them.
Fortunately these are not stealthy enemies, and the owner can
scarcely see his acre at all without being aware of their
presence. He has only to look very early in the morning or late in
the evening to find them all bunched up in their nests. These
should be taken down and destroyed.
Cherry and pear slugs, "small, slimy, dark brown worms," can be
destroyed by dusting the trees with dry wood ashes or air-slacked
Field-mice often girdle young trees, especially during the winter,
working beneath the snow. Unless heaps of rubbish are left here
and there as shelter for these little pests, one or two good cats
will keep the acre free of them. Treading the snow compactly
around the tree is also practiced.
Do not let the reader be discouraged by this list of the most
common enemies, or by hearing of others. After reading some
medical works we are led to wonder that the human race does not
speedily die out. As a rule, however, with moderate care, most of
us are able to say, "I'm pretty well, I thank you," and when
ailing we do not straightway despair. In spite of all enemies and
drawbacks, fruit is becoming more plentiful every year. If one man
can raise it, so can another.
Be hospitable to birds, the best of all insect destroyers. Put up
plenty of houses for bluebirds and wrens, and treat the little
brown song-sparrow as one of your stanchest friends.
A brief word in regard to the quince, and our present list of
fruits is complete.
If the quince is cultivated after the common neglectful method, it
would better be relegated to an obscure part of the garden, for,
left to itself, it makes a great sprawling bush; properly trained,
it becomes a beautiful ornament to the lawn, like the other fruits
that I have described. Only a little care, with the judicious use
of the pruning-shears, is required to develop it into a miniature
and fruitful tree, which can be grown with a natural rounded head
or in the form of a pyramid, as the cultivator chooses. It will
thrive well on the same soil and under similar treatment accorded
to the pear or the apple. Procure from a nursery straight-stemmed
plants; set them out about eight feet apart; begin to form the
head three feet from the ground, and keep the stem and roots free
from all sprouts and suckers. Develop the head just as you would
that of an apple-tree, shortening in the branches, and cutting out
those that interfere with each other. Half a dozen trees will soon
give an ample supply. The orange and the pear shaped are the
varieties usually recommended. Rea's Mammoth is also highly spoken
of. Remember that the quince equally with the apple is subject to
injury from the borer, and the evil should be met as I have
already described.
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