Curly and Floppy Twistytail; the Funny Piggie Boys by Howard R. Garis


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Page 7

"That sounds like Pinky," said Curly, blinking his eyes.

"It surely does," agreed his brother. "Something must have happened
to her." They ran out of the fort they had made of corncobs piled
one on the other, and they saw their little baby sister being
carried off by the fox. Wow! Think of that!

"Here, you let our Pinky alone!" cried Curly bravely.

"No! No! No!" answered the bad fox.

"Then we'll shoot you!" shouted Flop. "Shoot him, Curly!"

Then those two brave pig boys shot their make-believe guns at the
fox. "Bang! Bang! Bung! Bung!" But do you s'pose he stopped for
that? Not a bit of it! On he ran, faster than ever, carrying away
Pinky, and Curly and Flop ran after him, but what could they do? It
looked as if the little pig girl would soon be made into pork pie,
when she suddenly called out:

"Oh, boys! My rubber ball! Fill it with water and squirt it at the
fox!" and she threw her ball to Curly.

"Don't you dare squirt rubber-ball water at me!" howled the fox, for
he was very much afraid of getting his tail wet.

"Yes we will!" shouted Curly and with that he caught the ball his
sister tossed to him. It only took him a second to stop at a mud
puddle and fill the ball with water. Then, taking careful aim, just
as a brave pig soldier boy should, he squeezed the ball, and "Zip!"
out squirted the water all over the bad fox.

"Oh wow! Double wow, and pumpkin pie! That water went right into my
eye!" howled the fox, and then, with his tail all wet, so that it
weighed ten pounds, or more, that fox was so utterly frightened and
kerslostrated that he let go of poor little Pinky and ran off to his
den, and he didn't have any pork pie for a long time afterward.

"Oh, you saved me!" cried Pinky to her two brothers, when they had
picked her up, and started back home with her.

"You helped save yourself," said Curly. "You and your rubber ball,"
and he and Flop were very glad their sister had not been carried off
by the bad fox.

And on the next page, if the washtub doesn't fall out of its crib
and knock a hole in the tea kettle so that all the lemonade runs
out, I'll tell you how Curly helped his mamma.



"Well, this is certainly a fine day for washing!" exclaimed Mrs.
Twistytail, the pig lady, one morning as she got up from the nice,
clean, straw bed where she had slept with little Pinky. "I must get
right to work and hang out the sheets and pillow-cases so the sun
will make them nice and white."

So she hurried through with the breakfast of sour milk with corn
meal and sugar cakes, and as soon as Mr. Twistytail had gone to the
factory, where he helped make sausage for buckwheat cakes, Mrs.
Twistytail said:

"Now, children, do you want to help me wash?"

"Oh, yes, mamma!" they all cried at once.

"I'll turn the wringer," said Curly, "for I am good and strong."

"And I'll put the clothes pins in the basket and have them all
ready," said Pinky, for, though she was only a little girl pig she
could easily carry the clothes pins.

"What can I do?" asked Flop, the other little pig boy. His real name
was Floppy, or Flop Ear, but I call him Flop for short you see.

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