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Page 20
So you see what Flop thought was a stone turned out to be a frozen
turtle who did him a great favor. And ever after that whenever Mrs.
Twistytail made pie the turtle was always in the kitchen to keep the
door open, and drive out any bad dogs in case they happened to get
And so no more now, if you please, as I am sleepy, and I know you
must be, too. But in case the little girl in Montclair doesn't drop
her doll on the sidewalk, and spill the sawdust all over the stick
of molasses candy I'll tell you next about Curly and the chestnuts.
"Why, Curly," exclaimed the nice old lady owl school teacher one
day, when the class in drawing was doing its lesson. "Why, Curly
Twistytail! I'm certainly surprised at you!"
Of course, all the animal children looked over at the little piggie
boy, and at his brother Flop, also; but Flop had done nothing. And
what do you suppose it was that Curly had done?
Why, instead of drawing a picture of a pail of sour milk, as the
teacher had told him to do, he had made a picture of a monkey-doodle
sitting on top of a Jack o'Lantern pumpkin. Wasn't that just awful!
Well, I guess yes, and some tooth brushes besides.
"Oh, Curly, how could you?" asked the owl teacher, in a sorrowful
"I--I didn't mean to," spoke the little piggie boy. "I--I guess it
You see, during the drawing lesson, when the animal children were
supposed to make different pictures on their papers, the teacher
would fly around the room softly and come up from behind the desks.
Thus, she could look over the animal children's shoulders and see
what they were doing, when they didn't know it. It was then that she
had seen what Curly, the pig, drew.
"Well, Curly," went on the owl teacher, sadly, "of course, it was
wrong of you to make that kind of a picture, and, though I do not
like to do it, I shall have to punish you. You will have to stay in
after school."
And so that's how it was that Curly did not go out with the other
animal children when school was dismissed. He had to stay in and
clean off the blackboards, but he didn't mind that much, and really
he was sorry for being a little bit bad.
"You may go now," said the owl school teacher, after a while, and
Curly hurried home, feeling a little sad, and wondering what his
mamma would say to him. He also wanted to hurry and have some fun
with his brother, Flop.
Well, as Curly was going through the woods, all of a sudden, under a
tree, something fell and hit him on the nose. He jumped to one side
and exclaimed:
"Who is throwing stones at me?"
But no one answered, and Curly went on. Soon something else fell
down, and hit him on the ear.
"I say!" he cried. "Would you please stop that? Is that the
skillery-scalery alligator, or the fuzzy fox?"
But no one answered him, and Curly hurried on, thinking that perhaps
bad fairies might be trying to have fun with him, or maybe turn him
into a ham, or a piece of bacon, or something like that.
Well, he had not gone on much farther when, all at once, another
something pattered down from a high tree, and struck him on the nose
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