Curly and Floppy Twistytail; the Funny Piggie Boys by Howard R. Garis


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Page 16

So she looked at Curly's paw, which he held out, and she saw that he
had never been vaccinated, so she said he would have to have that
done to him before he could come to school every day.

"You go home," said the teacher to the little piggie boy, "and get
vaccinated. Then come back in about a week."

So, as Curly wanted to go to school very much, on his way home he
went past Dr. Possum's office. And going in, he said:

"I want to be vaccinated, doctor, so I can go to school."

"Very well," answered Dr. Possum. "We'll do it."

So Curly rolled up his sleeve, and the doctor scratched his paw with
a toothpick, and put some funny kind of yellow salve on it, and
wrapped it up in a little celluloid cap to keep the snowflakes from
it, and also that no mosquitos could bite it.

"Now, in about a week your arm will begin to itch," said the doctor,
"and it will tickle you, and then, after a bit, you will be
vaccinated, and you can go to school."

"Very good," said Curly, and he wondered why all little animal
children had to be vaccinated, and have the mumps and the measles-
pox and epizootic, and all things like that, but he couldn't guess,
and so he didn't try.

He was rolling down his sleeve, and Dr. Possum was putting away the
toothpick with which he had vaccinated the little piggie boy, when,
all of a sudden, into the room jumped a big fuzzy fox, crying out:

"Oh, Joy! Oh, good luck! Oh, hungriness! Here I have a pig dinner
and an opossum dinner all at once! Oh, happiness!"

Then he made a jump, and was just going to grab Dr. Possum and Curly
too, when the little piggie boy cried out:

"Vaccinate him! Vaccinate him, Dr. Possum. That will make him so
itchy that he can't bite us."

"The very thing!" cried Dr. Possum, and before the big fuzzy fox
could get out of the way Dr. Possum vaccinated him on the end of his
nose with the toothpick all covered with the funny yellow salve, and
the fox was so kerslostrated that he jumped over his tail seven
times, and then leaped out of the window, leaving Curly and Dr.
Possum in peace. And in about a week--oh, how that fox's nose did
itch! Wow! And some sandpaper besides!

As for Curly, he was vaccinated very nicely, indeed, and he could go
to school when his arm got well. And what happened next I'll tell
you in the story after this, and it will be about Curly and the
spinning top--that is, it will if the pink parasol coming up the
street doesn't slip on the horse chestnut and make the pony cart
fall down the coal hole.



"Oh dear!" cried Curly one morning, before his papa, Mr. Twistytail,
the pig gentleman, had started for work. "Oh dear, how dreadful I

"Why, what is the matter?" asked his papa, as he looked in the back
of the shiny dishpan to see if his collar was on straight.

"Oh, my arm hurts so!" went on Curly. "It all seems swelled up, and
it has a lump under it and I don't feel a bit good. Oh dear!"

"It's his vaccination," said his mamma. "It is beginning to 'take'
now, and it pains him."

"What is beginning to 'take', mamma?" asked Curly. "It is beginning
to take the pain away? Because if it isn't I wish it was. Oh dear!"

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