Bat Wing by Sax Rohmer


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Page 7

My brilliant friend at times displayed a sort of prescience, of which I
may have occasion to speak later, but I, together with the rest of pur-
blind humanity, am commonly immune from the prophetic instinct.
Therefore I chronicle the fact for what it may be worth, that as I
gazed with a sort of disgust at the exhibit lying upon the table I
became possessed of a conviction, which had no logical basis, that a
door had been opened through which I should step into a new avenue of
being; I felt myself to stand upon the threshold of things strange and
terrible, but withal alluring. Perhaps it is true that in the great
crises of life the inner eye becomes momentarily opened.

With intense curiosity I awaited the Colonel's next words, but, a
cigarette held nervously between his fingers, he stood staring at
Harley, and it was the latter who broke that peculiar silence which had
fallen upon us.

"The wing of a bat," he murmured, then touched it gingerly. "Of what
kind of bat, Colonel Menendez? Surely not a British species?"

"But emphatically not a British species," replied the Spaniard. "Yet
even so the matter would be strange."

"I am all anxiety to learn the remainder of your story, Colonel

"Good. Your interest comforts me very greatly, Mr. Harley. But when
first I came, you led me to suppose that you were departing from

"Such, at the time, was my intention, sir." Paul Harley smiled
slightly. "Accompanied by my friend, Mr. Knox, I had proposed to
indulge in a fortnight's fishing upon the Norfolk Broads."



"A peaceful occupation, Mr. Harley, and a great rest-cure for one who
like yourself moves much amid the fiercer passions of life. You were
about to make holiday?"

Paul Harley nodded.

"It is cruel of me to intrude upon such plans," continued Colonel
Menendez, dexterously rolling his cigarette around between his fingers.
"Yet because of my urgent need I dare to do so. Would yourself and your
friend honour me with your company at Cray's Folly for a few days? I
can promise you good entertainment, although I regret that there is no
fishing; but it may chance that there will be other and more exciting

Harley glanced at me significantly.

"Do I understand you to mean, Colonel Menendez," he asked, "that you
have reason to believe that this conspiracy directed against you is
about to come to a head?"

Colonel Menendez nodded, at the same time bringing his hand down
sharply upon the table.

"Mr. Harley," he replied, his high, thin voice sunken almost to a
whisper, "Wednesday night is the night of the full moon."

"The full moon?"

"It is at the full moon that the danger comes."

Paul Harley stood up, and watched by the Spanish colonel paced slowly
across the office. At the outer door he paused and turned.

"Colonel Menendez," he said, "that you would willingly waste the time
of a busy man I do not for a moment believe, therefore I shall ask you
as briefly as possible to state your case in detail. When I have heard
it, if it appears to me that any good purpose can be served by my
friend and myself coming to Cray's Folly I feel sure that he will be
happy to accept your proffered hospitality."

"If I am likely to be of the slightest use I shall be delighted," said
I, which indeed was perfectly true.

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Books | Photos | Paul Mutton | Fri 7th Mar 2025, 2:24