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Page 33
KING. Is there a tree left on the road?
FIRST SOLDIER. We took them all away, Sire.
KING (to _a soldier._) Then go and get our horses. We will ride into
this Gotham town. (_The soldier salutes and goes._)
Where do you roll these stones, old men?
AN OLD MAN. Uphill to help the sun rise.
KING. What! To help the sun rise?
OLD MAN. Yes, your Majesty.
KING. Don't you know that the sun will rise without help?
OLD MAN. Will it? Well, well! Who would have thought of that!
KING. You foolish fellows! Well, go on and roll your stones. Now tell me
why you grunt, young men?
A YOUNG MAN. Oh, we do the grunting while our fathers do the work.
KING. Ha, ha! Well, go on and grunt. Now what are you men doing?
HODGE. There is a cuckoo here, your Majesty.
KING. What if there is a cuckoo there?
PODGE. We are building a wall around it, Sire?
KING. Why build a wall around it?
NODGE. To keep it from flying away.
KING. Ha, ha! Don't you know that the bird can fly over the wall?
HODGE. Well, well! Who would have thought of that!
NODGE. How very wise you are, Sire!
KING. You foolish fellows! Well, go on and build your wall.
(_Enter_ SCRODGE, _carrying a door on his back._)
Where are you going with that door?
SCRODGE. I am going on a journey, Sire.
KING. Why do you carry a door?
SCRODGE. I left my money at home, Sire.
KING. Why didn't you leave the door at home?
SCRODGE. I was afraid of thieves.
KING. Afraid of thieves! And you have taken down your door!
SCRODGE. If I have the door with me, they can't break it open to get in.
KING. You foolish fellow! Why didn't you leave your door at home and
carry your money?
SCRODGE. Well, well! Who would have thought of that! How very wise you
are, Sire!
KING. Ha, ha, ha! Well, go on and carry your door.
(_To Soldiers._)
These Gotham men are foolish. Does it not seem so to you?
SOLDIERS. Aye, Sire!
KING. I'll let them keep their noses. They knew no better than to cut
down the trees. Come, we will go away and leave them.
[_King and Soldiers go._]
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