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Page 1
V. ELECTRICITY.--A Current Meter--The Jehl & Rupp meter for
electricity described--1 illustration. 9903
Mix & Genest's Microphone Telephone--The new telephone recently
adopted by the imperial post office department of Germany--3
illustrations. 9902
Storage Batteries for Electric Locomotion--By A. RECKENZAUN--A
valuable paper on this subject, giving historical facts and
working figures of expense, etc. 9903
The Telemeter System--By R.F. UPTON--The system of �.L. Clarke,
of New York, as described before the British Association--A
valuable tribute to an American inventor--1 illustration. 9900
VI. METALLURGY.--The Newbery-Vautin Chlorination Process--A new
process of extracting gold from its ores, with details of the
management of the process and apparatus--1 illustration. 9907
VII. MISCELLANEOUS.--A Gigantic Load of Lumber--The largest barge
load of lumber ever shipped--The barge Wahnapit� and her
appearance as loaded at Duluth--1 illustration. 9907
Apparatus for Exercising the Muscles--An appliance for use by
invalids requiring to exercise atrophied limbs--1 illustration. 9908
Practical Education.--A plea for the support of manual training
schools. 9906
Waves--The subject of ocean waves fully treated--An interesting
_resume_ of our present knowledge of this phenomenon of
fluids. 9906
VIII. NAVAL ENGINEERING--The New Spanish Armored Cruiser Reina
Regente.--Illustration and full description of this recent
addition to the Spanish navy.--1 illustration. 9895
The Spanish Torpedo Boat Azor--Illustration and note of speed,
etc., of this new vessel--1 illustration. 9895
IX. OPHTHALMOLOGY--The Bull Optometer--An apparatus for testing
the eyesight.--The invention of Dr George J. Bull.--3
illustrations. 9908
X. SANITATION AND HYGIENE--The Sanitation of Towns--By J. GORDON,
C.E.--A presidential address before the Leicester meeting of
the Society of Municipal and Sanitary Engineers and Surveyors
of England. 9909
XI. TECHNOLOGY--A New Monster Revolving Black Ash Furnace and the
Work Done with It--By WATSON SMITH--The great furnace of the
Widnes Alkali Company described, with results and features of
its working--4 illustrations. 9900
Apparatus Used for Making Alcohol for Hospital Use during the
Civil War between the States--By CHARLES K. GALLAGHER--A curiosity
of war times described and illustrated.--1 illustration. 9900
Confederate Apparatus for Manufacturing Saltpeter for Ammunition
--By CHARLES K. GALLAGHER--Primitive process for extracting
saltpeter from earth and other material--1 illustration. 9900
Electrolysis and Refining of Sugar--A method of bleaching sugar
said to be due to ozone produced by electric currents acting on
the solution--1 illustration. 9903
Improvements in the Manufacture of Portland Cement--By FREDERICK
RANSOME, A.I.C.E.--An important paper recently read before the
British Association, giving the last and most advanced methods
of manufacture. 9901
Roburite, the New Explosive--Practical tests of this substance,
with special application to coal mining. 9897
The Mechanical Reeling of Silk.--An advanced method of treating
silk cocoons, designed to dispense with the old hand winding of
the raw silk.--3 illustrations. 9898
* * * * *
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