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Page 6
Co-operation has been suggested as a cure for the evil, and there are
cases where it has apparently succeeded, in connection with the
earlier forms of labor organization. The ambition of later labor
leaders almost prevents this remedy being of effect. It may be
possible still with very intelligent workmen, isolated from the large
mass of workmen in the country towns, to feel an interest in
co-operation; but such inducements, or the higher ones of personal
kindness to employes or their families, are not of much effect in
large manufacturing centers. As soon as dissatisfaction exists in one
mill or manufactory, all similar employes are ordered out. The final
result will be that combinations of employers must follow the
combination of employes, and those who have always been strong in the
past will be stronger in the future, as has appeared to be the case in
many contests that have already taken place. If there are any real
abuses of power by the employers, such as requiring work for unusual
hours or at less than living rates, the first thing to do is to
correct these abuses, so that complaints will not be upon a sound
foundation. Some men, when the labor epidemic strikes their places,
have sufficient force of character and influence with their men to
avert the blow for some time. Others find it is policy to compromise
with the representatives until a plan of action, conciliatory,
offensive, or defensive, can be determined upon. The whole matter must
be considered one of policy rather than of principles. The class of
men to be dealt with do not talk principles except as an excuse to
secure their ends.
In spite of everything, there will be times when no compromise is
possible and you will be called upon to take part in defending your
employers' interests against what is called a "strike." You can do so
with heart when you know the employes are all well paid, and
particularly, as is frequently the case, when the labor organizers and
walking delegates claim that some old, tried foreman shall be
dismissed because they do like him, really because he has not been a
tool in carrying out their plans, and they defiantly acknowledge that
their war is against non-union labor, and that they have organized
your men and forced a strike to require your establishment to become
as it is called a "union shop." If your deluded employes were
permitted simply to go away and let you alone, and you were permitted
to employ others at the reasonable wages you were paying, the problem
would be a simple one. The principal labor organizations claim that
everything they do is by peaceable methods, but this, like many things
said, is simply to deceive, for if you attempt to employ other
assistants and carry on your business independently, you will surely
find that well known roughs are assembled who never do anything
without they are paid for it by somebody, that your men are assaulted
by such persons, and while the labor organizers talk about peaceable
methods and urge them aloud in public, in case one of the roughs is
arrested, the loud talkers are the first to go bail for the defender,
and you will feel morally sure that the sympathizing crowd with the
roughs who make the assaults are all part of or tools of the
At such times, you will find your old employes standing around the
street corners, persuading other men not to go to work and thus
interfere with what are called the true interests of labor. Any new
employe who has to go in the street will be first met with inducements
of other employment, with offers of money, afterward with threats,
and, if opportunity occurs, with direct assault. All the features of
persuasion, intimidation, and violence will be carried out as
demanded, and strangers to everybody in the vicinity, but well known
as experienced leaders in this kind of work in other places, be
brought in to endeavor to make the strike a success. Then, young men,
is the time to show your pluck, and our experience is that educated
young men will do so every time. They can be depended upon to go
straight ahead with duty through every danger, bearing patiently
everything that may be said, defending themselves with nature's
weapons as long as possible, and without fear using reserve weapons in
case real danger of life is imminent.
In carrying through a very important strike against a mere desire to
control and not to correct abuses, your speaker desires to pay the
highest tribute to a number of educated young men, mostly from the
technical schools, who fearlessly faced every danger, and by their
example stimulated others to do their duty, and all participated in
the results obtained by a great success.
We would not by such references fire your hearts to a desire to
participate in such an unpleasant contest. It is the duty of all to
study this problem intelligently and earnestly, with a view of
overcoming the difficulties and permitting the prosperity of the
country to go on. While conciliation may be best at some times, policy
at another, and resistance at another, we must also be thinking of the
best means to prevent further outbreaks. It would seem to be true
policy not to interfere with organization, but to try and direct it
into higher channels. Those of the humanitarians who claim that the
disease will be rooted out eventually by a more general and better
education are undoubtedly largely in the right, notwithstanding that
some fairly educated men have acted against their best interests in
affiliating with the labor organizations. It seems to the speaker that
enough instances can be collected to show the utter folly of the
present selfish system, based, as it is, entirely on getting all that
is possible, independent of right in the matter, and by demanding
equal wages for all men, tending to lower all to one common
degradation, instead of rewarding industry and ability and advancing
the cause of civilization.
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