The Fertility of the Unfit by William Allan Chapple


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Page 13

Malthus used the term "moral" in this connection, not so much in
relation to the _motive_ for the restraint, but in relation to the
result, viz., the limitation of the family. The "moral restraint" of
Malthus meant to him, restraint from marriage only, chiefly because of
the inability to support a family. It implied marriage delayed until
there was reasonable hope that the normal family, four in number, could
be comfortably supported, continence in the mean time being assumed.
Bonar interpreting Malthus says (p. 53) that impure celibacy falls under
the head of "vice," and not of "moral restraint."

To Malthus, vice and misery, as checks to population, were an evil
greatly to be deplored in civilized man, and not only did he declare
that moral restraint obtained as a check, but he also declared it a
virtue to be advocated and encouraged in the interest of society, as
well as of the individual.

His moral restraint was delayed marriage with continence. He trusted to
the moral force of the sexual passion in a continent man to stimulate to
work, to thrift, to marriage; to work and save so that he may enter the
marriage state with a reasonable prospect of being able to support a
wife and family.

Malthus never anticipated the changes and developments of recent years.
He advised moral restraint as a preventive measure in the hope that vice
and misery, as checks would be superseded, and that no more would be
born into the world than there was ample food to supply. He believed
that moral restraint was the check of civilized man, and as civilization
proceeded, this check would replace the others, and prevent absolutely
the population pressing upon the limits of subsistence.

He saw in moral restraint only self-denial, constant continence, and
entertained not a doubt, that the generative instinct would be cheated
of its natural fruit. The passion for marriage is so strong (thought
Malthus) that there is no fear for the race; it cannot be

The gratification of the sexual instinct, and procreation were the same
thing in the mind of Malthus.

But this is not so.

A physiological law makes it possible, in a large proportion of strictly
normal women, for union to take place without fertilisation. If it were
possible to maintain an intermittent restraint in strict conformity with
this law, it would control considerably the population of the world.

It is easier to practice intermittent than to practice constant

It is just here that Malthus failed to anticipate the future. Malthus
believed that "moral restraint" would lessen the marriage rate, but
would have no direct effect on the fecundity of marriage.

A man would not put upon himself the self-denial and restraint, which
abstinence from marriage implied, for a longer period than he could

The greater the national prosperity, therefore, the higher the
birth-rate. But prosperity keeps well in advance of the birth-rate; in
other words, population, though it still _tends_ to, does not actually
_press_ upon the food supply.

If the moral restraint of Malthus be extended so as to include
intermittent moral restraint within the marriage bond, then, under one
or other, or all of his three checks, vice, misery, and moral restraint,
will be found the explanation of the remarkable demographic phenomena of
recent years.

_Misery_ will cover deaths from starvation and poverty, the limitation
of births from abortion due to hardship, from deaths due to improper
food, clothing, and housing; and emigration to avoid hardship.

_Vice_ will cover criminal abortions, limitation of births from
venereal disease, deaths from intemperance, etc., and artificial checks
to conception. Malthus included artificial checks of this kind under
vice (7 ed. of Essay, p. 9.n.), though they have some claim to be
considered under moral restraint. But the question will be referred to
in a later chapter.

_Moral restraint_ will cover those checks to conception, voluntarily
practised in order to escape the burden and responsibility of rearing
children--continence, delayed marriage, and intermittent restraint.

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