The Mansion of Mystery by Chester K. Steele


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Page 10

"I--I--thought so." The girl began to choke up and sob. "It--it was
such a shock--I--I--" She could not go on.

Adam Adams watched her keenly and noted how she trembled from head to

"Do not take it so hard, Margaret," put in Raymond Case, placing his
hand upon her shoulder. "It will all come out right in the end--I am
sure of it."

"But it will not bring back my father!" sobbed the girl. "And he was
so dear to me! And to think that we should quarrel at all--"

"The quarrel took place at the breakfast table, so you said," came from
Adam Adams. "And you rushed out to get away from what your stepmother
was saying to you?"

"Yes. I could not bear it any longer."

"Your father took Mrs. Langmore's part?"

"He did, but at the same time he told her not to be so hard on me--that
I had been without a mother to guide me so many years, and all that."

"Do you think they quarreled between themselves after you left, or
after your father came back from the bank?"

"I cannot say as to that."

"Mr. Adams has an idea that possibly one or the other of them was
responsible," put in Raymond. "He thinks one might have killed the
other and then committed suicide."

"I do not think so. I said it was possible," corrected the detective.
"In taking up an affair of this sort one must look at it from all

"I do not believe my father either killed her or committed suicide,"
answered Margaret Langmore firmly.

"Do you think Mrs. Langmore would act in such a fashion?"

The girl pondered for a moment.

"Honestly I do not. She may have killed my father, but if so she would
have run away."

"The safe was closed at the time of the tragedy?"


"And absolutely nothing was stolen?"

"Nothing, so far as we have been able to ascertain."

"Was anything out of order, as if the assassin had been scared off
while hunting around for something to steal?"

"I did not see anything. But I was so upset I noticed scarcely

"That was natural, of course. The safe has not yet been opened?"

"No, we are waiting for a man to come from the safe makers."

"Now, one thing more. After you came back to the house before
practicing what did you do?"

"I wrote some letters to girl friends, telling them I could not give a
house party."

"And before that?"

"I--I, must I tell? I threw myself on the bed yonder for a good cry.
It was silly, I know--but--but--"

"Did you hear anything unusual while you were here? Think carefully."

"I have tried to think it out several times. Sometimes I think I heard
some sort of a shriek, but I am not at all certain. Then, again, I
think I heard the fall of something heavy on the floor. But it may be
all fancy."

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