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Page 1
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According to a contemporary a new form of road surface material, which is
not injurious to fish, has been produced by the South Metropolitan Gas
Company. The utilisation of some of the deeper cavities in our highways for
the purpose of food production has long been a favourite theme of ours.
* * *
"Having a tooth drawn," says a writer in _Health Hints_, "has its
advantages." It certainly tends to keep one's mind off the Coalition.
* * *
Two men have been charged at Sutton with selling water for whisky. People
are now asking the exact date when this was first made an offence.
* * *
At the present time a missionary costs twice as much as before the War,
says the Rev. W.J. FULLERTON. Many a cassowary has been complaining
bitterly of the high cost of this comestible.
* * *
A new tango will be danced for the first time on January 15th, says _The
Daily Express_. For ourselves we shall try to go about our business just as
if nothing really serious had happened.
* * *
Asked by the magistrate if her husband had threatened her, a Stratford
woman replied, "No; he only said he would kill me." Almost any little thing
seems to irritate some people.
* * *
It appears that, after reading various references about his trial in the
London papers, the ex-Kaiser was heard to say that if we were not very
careful he would wash his hands of the whole business.
* * *
There is a lot of wishy-washy talk about the Bolshevists, says a Labour
paper. Wishy, perhaps, but from what we see of their pictures in the
papers, not washy.
* * *
"Supplies of string for letter mail-bags," says _The Post Office Circular_,
"will in future be 19 inches in length, instead of 18 inches." It is the
ability to think out things like this that has made us the nation we are
* * *
Offers are invited in a contemporary for a large quantity of tiger skins.
People should first make sure that the rest of the tiger has been properly
removed before purchasing.
* * *
The composer of an American ragtime song is to have a statue erected to him
in New York. It is hoped that this warning will have the desired effect on
any composers in this country who may be tempted to commit a similar error.
* * *
We understand that, after several weeks of careful investigation into
details, the special Committee appointed by the Government to deal with
Germany's refusal to pay for her sunken fleet at Scapa have now recommended
that no receipt should be given until the money is handed over.
* * *
"You will soon be able to get work," said the Kingston magistrate to a man
summoned for income-tax. This is the sort of thoughtless remark that tends
to embitter the unemployed.
* * *
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