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Page 4
To astral vision ether is a visible thing, and is seen permeating all
substances and encircling every particle. A "solid" body is a body composed
of a vast number of particles suspended in ether, each vibrating backwards
and forwards in a particular field at a high rate of velocity; the
particles are attracted towards each other more strongly than they are
attracted by external influences, and they "cohere," or maintain towards
each other a definite relation in space. Closer examination shows that the
ether is not homogeneous but consists of particles of numerous kinds,
differing in the aggregations of the minute bodies composing them; and a
careful and more detailed method of analysis reveals that it has four
distinct degrees, giving us, with the solid, liquid and gaseous, seven
instead of four substates of matter in the physical world.
These four etheric substates will be best understood if the method be
explained by which they were studied. This method consisted of taking what
is called an atom of gas, and breaking it up time after time, until what
proved to be the ultimate physical atom was reached, the breaking up of
this last resulting in the production of astral, and no longer physical
It is, of course, impossible to convey by words the clear conceptions that
are gained by direct vision of the objects of study, and the accompanying
diagram--cleverly drawn from the description given by the investigators--is
offered as a substitute, however poor, for the lacking vision of the
readers. The horizontal lines separate from each other the seven substates
of matter; solid, liquid, gas, ether 4, ether 3, ether 2, ether 1. On the
gas level are represented three chemical atoms, one of hydrogen (H), one of
oxygen (O), one of nitrogen (N). The successive changes undergone by each
chemical atom are shown in the compartments vertically above it, the
left-hand column showing the breaking up of the hydrogen atom, the middle
column that of the oxygen atom, the right-hand column, that of the nitrogen
atom. The ultimate physical atom is marked _a_, and is drawn only once,
although it is the same throughout. The numbers 18, 290 and 261 are the
numbers of the ultimate physical atoms found to exist in a chemical atom.
The dots indicate the lines along which force is observed to be playing,
and the arrowheads show the direction of the force. No attempt has been
made to show this below E 2 except in the case of the hydrogen. The letters
given are intended to help the reader to trace upwards any special body;
thus _d_ in the oxygen chemical atom on the gas level may be found again on
E 4, E 3, and E 2. It must be remembered that the bodies shown
diagrammatically in no way indicate relative size; as a body is raised from
one substate to the one immediately above it, it is enormously magnified
for the purpose of investigation, and the ultimate atom on E 1 is
represented by the dot _a_ on the gaseous level.
The first chemical atom selected for this examination was an atom of
hydrogen (H). On looking carefully at it, it was seen to consist of six
small bodies, contained in an egg-like form. It rotated with great rapidity
on its own axis, vibrating at the same time, and the internal bodies
performed similar gyrations. The whole atom spins and quivers, and has to
be steadied before exact observation is possible. The six little bodies are
arranged in two sets of three, forming two triangles that are not
interchangeable, but are related to each other as object and image. (The
lines in the diagram of it on the gaseous sub-plane are not lines of force,
but show the two triangles; on a plane surface the interpenetration of the
triangles cannot be clearly indicated.) Further, the six bodies are not all
alike; they each contain three smaller bodies--each of these being an
ultimate physical atom--but in two of them the three atoms are arranged in
a line, while in the remaining four they are arranged in a triangle.
The wall of the limiting spheroid in which the bodies are enclosed being
composed of the matter of the third, or gaseous, kind, drops away when the
gaseous atom is raised to the next level, and the six bodies are set free.
They at once re-arrange themselves in two triangles, each enclosed by a
limiting sphere; the two marked _b_ in the diagram unite with one of those
marked _b'_ to form a body which shows a positive character, the remaining
three forming a second body negative in type. These form the hydrogen
particles of the lowest plane of ether, marked E 4--ether 4--on the
diagram. On raising these further, they undergo another disintegration,
losing their limiting walls; the positive body of E 4, on losing its wall,
becomes two bodies, one consisting of the two particles, marked _b_,
distinguishable by the linear arrangement of the contained ultimate atoms,
enclosed in a wall, and the other being the third body enclosed in E 4 and
now set free. The negative body of E 4 similarly, on losing its wall,
becomes two bodies, one consisting of the two particles marked _b'_, and
the second the remaining body, being set free. These free bodies do not
remain on E 3 but pass immediately to E 2, leaving the positive and
negative bodies, each containing two particles, as the representatives of
hydrogen on E 3. On taking these bodies a step higher their wall
disappears, and the internal bodies are set free, those containing the
atoms arranged lineally being positive, and those with the triangular
arrangement being negative. These two forms represent hydrogen on E 2, but
similar bodies of this state of matter are found entering into other
combinations, as may be seen by referring to _f_ on E 2 of nitrogen (N). On
raising these bodies yet one step further, the falling away of the walls
sets the contained atoms free, and we reach the ultimate physical atom, the
matter of E 1. The disintegration of this sets free particles of astral
matter, so that we have reached in this the limit of physical matter. The
Theosophical reader will notice with interest that we can thus observe
seven distinct substates of physical matter, and no more.
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