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Page 8
From Florence, Ala.--We need a building if the school is to be
continued. We are now inconveniently crowded, one hundred and sixty
children in a 20 x 40 room, with all the teaching to be done in the same.
To fail in giving us a building will certainly narrow our usefulness in
this field. Our school is constantly increasing in popularity. We can
safely count on an enrollment of over two hundred next year, with
someplace to accommodate them.
From Meridian, Miss.--The work of the school is hindered by lack of
room. We have enrolled this year two hundred and thirty two pupils, and
many have been turned off because we could not seat them. We opened in
December of 1888 with twenty-eight pupils. A school for more advanced
pupils is needed in this part of Mississippi. We have thirty young
people in school who come from the five adjoining counties. They are
boarding in good families and I have every reason to believe that they
have used their time and opportunities well; most of them are this
summer to teach.
From Straight University, N.O.--It has been a golden year for Straight
University. Financially it has been our best year. A larger proportion
of students able to pay came to us. We want to grow, and have every
opportunity to do so save that our quarters are too small. We have
turned away during the year probably two hundred applicants, many of
them for the boarding department. We have had to put cots in nearly all
the rooms, packing them too full for comfort, as it was very hard to
say No! to young people who came hundreds of miles and begged tearfully
for admission. The school has grown during the last eight years from
two hundred to six hundred, and only is not one thousand because we had
no room for them. Our graduates are filling important positions all
over the South. Several are Superintendents in Texas, Kansas,
Mississippi and Louisiana. One holds an important office in Honduras;
others are doing good work in Cuba and Mexico. Eight are filling
important positions in this city. We have no trouble in getting
positions for our young people. Indeed, we cannot supply as fast as
demanded. Often as many as twenty are called for when we have none to
From Fisk University, Nashville.--The evidence of progress in the
educational department of the University is found in the very marked
increase of numbers in the first year of our normal course and of our
college preparatory department. Last year there were fifteen in the
first year of the latter department; this year there are thirty-one.
Last year there were thirteen in the first year of the normal
department; this year there are thirty-one. Last year there were in the
normal, college, preparatory and college departments, one hundred and
forty-five students; this year there are one hundred and seventy-six.
At the coming Commencement, we expect to graduate twelve young men, and
from the normal ten young women and one young man; making a total of
twenty-three. This is a little more than one-sixth of the entire number
of present graduates from these departments.
From a Teacher in the Tennessee Mountains:--Let me tell you of the
general interest manifest in several of the counties west and north of
us in attending this school. One of our students visited many cabins
over the mountains during his vacation, and found that school
advantages were very scarce and poor. He found poverty and ignorance of
the world and of books. Some of the people are still using the old-time
method of kindling their fires by flint and steel instead of matches.
He met many young people who were thirsting for books and schools, also
numbers who had struggled up through the darkness to become teachers in
the neighborhoods. These almost invariably wish to come to our school,
and say they shall be here as soon as their schools close. Many are too
poor to come. This is true of a large number of young girls, who would
come if they could work for their board or in any possible way pay for
it. Whoever will provide funds to meet the expenses of these neglected
girls, and place them at our school, and prepare them for the future
duties of life, will be doing an angelic work, and in the end will do
the greatest good that can be done to this people. Very much of the
money spent for this mountain people will be the same as thrown away,
if this effort is not made to educate the girls.
* * * * *
A letter from Rev. F.R. Sims of the Medway Congregational Church,
McIntosh, Ga., reports that seventy persons have been added to that
church on confession of faith, within the last four months.
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