The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 51, October 28, 1897 by Various


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Page 4

It appears that the Carlists are making great capital out of the affair,
and are using it to turn the Spanish peasants against the Government.

These people are very religious, and regard their priests with great
respect and awe. They would not dream of disobeying their orders, and
are led and advised by them to a very great extent.

That one of the great men who are governing them should dare to disobey
the commands of the Church, and have to be punished by so awful a
penalty as excommunication, is so extraordinary to them that they can
hardly believe it. The Carlists' agents have worked on these feelings
until they have made the peasants believe that no good can come to a
country governed by such ungodly men.

Numbers of these peasants have become dissatisfied with the Government,
and are turning toward Don Carlos, because they believe him to be a
leader who will respect the laws of God as well as the laws of man.

The Queen of Spain, hearing of this, has sent an urgent message to his
Holiness the Pope, asking his aid, and he has immediately set about
smoothing the matter over.

* * * * *

England has sent a final refusal to take part in the conference on the
seal question.

The British Foreign Office has notified our ambassador in England, that
Great Britain must decline to take part in any sealing conference to
which Russia and Japan are invited.

We told you a week or so ago that England had objected to the presence
of Russia and Japan because she insisted that the conference that was
called had reference to the Paris award. As there were only two parties
to the Paris conference, herself and the United States, she declared
that she could not see what business Russia or Japan had in the matter
at all.

The Paris award, if you remember (see page 976), had to do with the
right of the United States to prevent other ships from entering the
Bering Sea.

The United States has called the attention of Great Britain to the fact
that the Washington conference is in no way connected with the Paris
award. It has been repeatedly stated that its object is to be merely to
discover whether the seal herds are decreasing, and if so to decide upon
a means of preserving them. Any decision that shall be arrived at at the
Washington conference is to be binding on all nations interested in the
sealing industry.

Great Britain will not listen to this. She takes the stand that by the
terms of the Paris award the code of laws governing the sealing
fisheries will have to be revised every five years anyhow, and as the
first five years will be up in 1898, she does not see the use of
entering into the matter now. She therefore positively declines to take
part in the conference.

Those who are in a position to know say that England has been forced
into this position by Canada.

When Prof. D'Arcy Thompson returned from his trip to the seal islands
this year, he brought with him information that completely upset his
former statements and theories, and showed that the seals are decreasing

Canada became convinced that Russia, Japan, and the United States would
combine in an effort to have the seals carefully preserved, and
therefore she urged England to refuse to take part in the conference,
and thus give her time to consider what may be the best course for her
to take under the circumstances.

Experts who have been in London examining the year's take of seal-skins
are ready to state before the conference that eighty per cent of the
skins sold by the Canadian companies are those of the mother seals, and
that most of these animals have been shot.

This latter point is important, because it is in this way that the seals
are killed in the deep-sea or pelagic sealing, which the United States
is so anxious to put a stop to.

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