The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 50, October 21, 1897 by Various


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Page 1

The Cuban and American residents of Havana are terror-stricken. Much as
they desired to be free of the tyrant, they now dread his downfall lest
it shall cause more trouble for them.

It is said that Se�or Sagasta will try to bring the war to a close by
offering liberal terms of Home Rule to Cuba.

In fact, the new cabinet has already held a council in which it was
agreed to establish reforms in the island with as little delay as

The Colonial Minister has been instructed to prepare a draft of the
scheme for Home Rule, and to have it ready to present to the cabinet
officers at their next meeting.

The Cubans, however, declare that they do not want Home Rule. They have
been fighting for freedom, and nothing less will satisfy them. They are
willing to buy their freedom from Spain, but they declare that they will
never lay down their arms until Cuba is free.

A despatch from the Philippine Islands brings the news that Spain is
faring badly in that direction also.

In a recent battle four hundred Spanish soldiers were killed. It seems
that the rebels in the Philippines fight in the American Indian fashion;
that is to say, they get under cover, behind bushes or trees, and,
taking careful aim at their enemy, make every shot tell. In this manner
they are able to inflict great injury without suffering much themselves.

It is reported that an entire battalion of Spanish soldiers, eight
hundred strong, has deserted in a body to the rebels.

The soldiers in the Philippines are suffering just as severely for food
and pay as their brother soldiers in Cuba, and finding that the rebels
feed their soldiers well, and treat them better than the Spaniards,
great numbers are constantly deserting and joining the rebel ranks.

* * * * *

Affairs in Greece are still unsettled.

When the Prime Minister told the Boul�[A] or parliament the terms of the
treaty, there was much dissatisfaction expressed by the members.

Mr. Ralli, the Prime Minister, stated that he was fully aware how hard
the terms of the treaty were, but he thought that Greece must accept and
make the best of them.

He told the Boul� that it was not possible for Greece to continue the
war; she had neither men nor money to do it with; but he wished it
understood that he was merely stating his opinion; he would not attempt
to advise the nation on such a serious point.

If the Boul� decided to accept the terms offered by Turkey, he stated
that the ministry was prepared to carry them out, and do all in its
power to assist the country in the crisis; he, however, asked the Boul�,
on behalf of the ministry, for a vote of confidence, that is, an
expression of belief that the ministers were doing the best that could
be done for the good of the country.

When Mr. Ralli had finished speaking, a member of the House rose to his
feet, and began to blame the ministry for all the ills that Greece was
called upon to endure. This turned the members against Mr. Ralli and the
rest of the ministers, and the vote of confidence was refused. Mr. Ralli
was thereupon obliged to send his resignation to the King.

King George has already chosen the new Premier, and a Greek prince of
high rank has been selected to go to Constantinople and arrange the
treaty, the Boul� having decided to accept the terms offered.

Both Spain and Greece now have new ministers who are undertaking the
difficult task of piloting their countries through their difficulties.


[A] Pronounced _voulee_.

* * * * *

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