The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 47, September 30, 1897 by Various


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Page 6

The story of the Enchanted Mesa,--how the roadway which led up to the
village on its summit was destroyed in a great storm, and how the people
left on the top were starved to death because they could not get
down,--exists in one form or another among all the tribes in the
vicinity, and therefore several men who are versed in Indian lore have
refused to believe Professor Libbey's assertion that there were no
traces of life to be found on the Mesa's top.

A representative of the Smithsonian Institution, Mr. F.W. Hodge, has
just returned from an expedition to the Enchanted Mesa, and his account
is utterly at variance with that of the Professor.

Mr. Hodge ascended the Butte by means of an extension ladder, and once
on top proceeded to investigate in a much more thorough and leisurely
manner than Professor Libbey had attempted to do.

After a long and careful search, which convinced him that people had
once dwelt on this mound, Mr. Hodge began to dig at various points where
he thought he had a chance of making a find.

His perseverance was soon rewarded. After a few hours' labor he found
two stone axes, a broken fragment of a shell bracelet, a stone
arrow-point, and several fragments of pottery.

This proves conclusively that there have been dwellers on the Mesa-top,
and it seems a pity that after all his trouble the Professor was not
rewarded by some such find.

Mr. Hodge says that Professor Libbey could not have attempted to dig,
but must have expected to find the traces he was in search of lying
exposed on the surface.

By Mr. Hodge's measurement, the Mesa is 431 feet at its highest point,
and 224 feet at its lowest.

He thinks there is not a shadow of doubt that it was once occupied by
Indians, and suggests that an expedition be sent out prepared to encamp
on the Mesa, and examine it much more thoroughly than he was able to do.

* * * * *

The committee appointed to look into the possibility of establishing a
government factory for the manufacture of armor-plate has reported that
it will cost about three million dollars.

The committee was also instructed to look about for a desirable site on
which to build the works. This raised the hopes of the towns within the
iron districts. Delegates from several States have appeared before the
board to extol the desirability of their various townships. As yet,
however, it is not decided whether the Government will build the works
at all, and so the matter of place has not been taken into serious

It was supposed that the Bethlehem Iron Works and perhaps the Carnegie
works might make some offer to the Government by which the works could
be under the control of the Government, or the armor could be made at
the price the Government offers ($300 per ton). No offer has as yet been

A suggestion has, however, come from a man who thoroughly understands
the manufacture of armor-plate.

He says that by the use of a new process of making steel the plate can
be turned out at a much less cost, and with half the waste that there is
in the present method of making it. The plant to make this new-process
steel can be built for half the money required for the old-style plant,
and moreover the armor-plate can be turned out in a much shorter time.

By the use of this process he asserts that the finest armor-plate can be
made at a cost of $150 per ton, and at that price there would be a
margin of $50 profit.

The armor factory board has written to him, telling him that they will
be ready to consider any proposals from him in a few days, and will
inquire into his process.

The manufacturer says that if the Government does not take kindly to his
plan, he will start his own factory, and make armor-plate at $150 per

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