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Page 5
In describing this most extraordinary affair there was no word which
properly applied to it, and so the word "boycotting" was coined, after
the man who first suffered from the system, and in the new editions of
the dictionaries "boycott" and "boycotting" appear as regular words of
the English language.
* * * * *
We may have an Arbitration Treaty with England after all.
President McKinley is in favor of an understanding between England and
the United States, and it is said that a new treaty has been prepared.
Sir Julian Pauncefote has refused to take any steps in the matter until
the United States has made a formal offer to his Government, but it is
understood that he is as much in favor of the arrangement as the
The new treaty will differ in many respects from the one prepared by Mr.
Olney. It will be expressly stated that all matters relating to the
Nicaragua Canal and the Monroe Doctrine shall not be included as
subjects for arbitration. (For Monroe Doctrine, see p. 210.)
It is intended to find out the feeling of the Senate toward the measure
before the new treaty is signed. A second refusal to ratify might make
bad feeling between the two countries.
It is not expected that the new treaty will be sent to the Senate before
* * * * *
The terms of peace between Turkey and Greece have not yet been agreed
upon, nor has the amount of money which Greece must pay been finally
It is rumored that it will be about twenty-three million dollars, which
is the largest sum that Greece is able to pay. It is also reported that
Turkey is now willing to give up Thessaly without further trouble.
This may be true, but Turkey is posting guns on the mountains that mark
the frontier between Greece and Turkey, and is despatching additional
troops there.
An announcement has also been made that the Sultan has formed twenty
more cavalry regiments, and has raised the number of soldiers to be
recruited for the Turkish army to seven hundred thousand, which gives
him an immense number of fighting men at his command.
* * * * *
Little progress has been made with Cuban affairs, but they are still
moving slowly forward.
The Liberal party in the Spanish Cortes has declared itself in favor of
honest reforms in Cuba.
This party, which is led by Se�or Sagasta, thinks that the reforms
offered by Canovas, the Prime Minister, are not sufficient to pacify the
insurgents. They think that a Commissioner should be sent out by Spain,
to insure to the Cubans real home rule, and bring peace and prosperity
back to the island.
The Liberals say that the first step in the direction of peace must be
the recall of General Weyler, and that the horrors of his rule must be
stopped at once.
Se�or Comas, who had his ears boxed by the Duke of Tetuan, belongs to
this Liberal party. His friends are still so incensed at this insult
that they have issued a manifesto, refusing to have any relations with
the Government so long as the Duke remains in power.
This disagreement in the Cortes is a very serious thing for Spain. At
this moment, when there is so much dissatisfaction over the expenses of
the Cuban war and constant fears of a Carlist rising are entertained, it
is most necessary that the two parties should agree.
The fear of a Carlist rising is growing stronger. Only the other day a
large store of rifles and ammunition was found in a house in Barcelona,
one of the large cities of Spain. They had been stored there to be in
readiness for the Carlists.
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