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Page 15
"You have wondered why I content myself here, when a professorship
was offered me at Basle," said Wagner at length. "It was a temptation,
I allow; and when I thought of Maude and the social position from
which I had taken her, I hesitated. She did not, however. 'These
people love you, and your preaching is blessed to them. I am afraid if
you leave, there will be no one else; and one soul saved outweighs all
their professorships.' It was sweetly said, and I knew by the look on
her face that her heart was in keeping with her words, and I answered
her accordingly."
It was late, and the next day would be the Sabbath. Maude joined us,
when a hymn was sung and a prayer offered, and we slept.
The sun was shining when I awoke, and opening my lattice I looked away
to, the mountains, their white heads mellowed with a glory that
inspired only thoughts of that God who made all things, and who holds
them by the power of his might. There was a stir in the village, just
enough to show the inhabitants were not sleeping away the precious
hours. A cheerful, calm reigned, in keeping with the hallowed day; the
very birds sang in a subdued and still triumphant tone, as if they
knew 'twas holy time; while the dumb cattle, feeding on the road,
cropped the brown grass noiselessly. Gliding down the broad stairway,
I opened the study door. The pastor was there, and I saw by the open
book, with the cushion before it still deeply indented, that he had
been kneeling. He advanced with his usual good-humored smile, while
his voice had the mellowed sweetness of one who had been on the mount
speaking face to face with the King of kings.
"I question if the Sabbath is as beautiful in the larger towns," said
the pastor, leading me to the deep window.
Below, the garden sloped away to a considerable distance, and the
flowers still sparkling with the dewdrops lifted their heads timidly.
"You see there is some compensation for our solitude; with less
temptations to draw away our thoughts, we are privileged to go up
through these temple gates from glory to glory. Did you ever see
anything more grand and inspiring?" and he stepped out on to the
balcony, and pointed me to a range of hills ascending gradually till
the top seemed to reach the clouds.
"Here linger yet the showers of fire,
Deep in each fold, high on each spire
On yonder mountain proud."
Up the walk came Maude, leading by the hand the little Lotchen, the
prattle of the child showing the lesson the mother had been
attempting to teach. Beautiful such a Sabbath! and my heart felt
refreshed as I stood upon the threshold and looked out into the new
"We used to work together in Basle," said the pastor as we seated
ourselves at the breakfast-table, "suppose we make the effort to-day."
"That will depend upon the portion that falls to my share," I replied.
"Give him the pulpit, Heinrich," said Maude naively.
"I am not sure that I wish him to fill it," replied the pastor with a
"I more than half wish I could," came to my lips unbidden, and I could
hardly keep the tears as I thought of the few months it had been mine
to labor in this manner, then of that fearful illness, the loss of
voice, and the journey to regain health and strength to be spent in
His service.
"You remember the old Bible class," said Wagner; "I have one here, or
rather two, for we meet twice a day, some finding it more convenient
to come in the morning and others after service, so that my time is
pretty well filled."
"And you would give me one of the classes," I said, as Maude filled my
coffee cup the second time.
"This is what I propose to do."
"And I accept most cheerfully."
"We have but a little time; in an hour you will be ready," and the
pastor went to his study.
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