Ruth Fielding in the Great Northwest by pseud. Alice B. Emerson


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Page 11

"I do not think I do--yet," answered Ruth hesitatingly.

"Why, see here, now," Dakota Joe went on. "It's easy to see you're a
lady--a white lady. I'm a white gent. This Injun wench has got it in for
me. Did you see what she come near doin' to me right out there in the

Ruth restrained a strong wish to tell him exactly what she had seen. But
somehow she felt that caution in the handling of this rough man would be
the wiser part.

"I saw that she made a very clever shot in breaking that ball in your
hand, Mr. Dakota Joe," the girl of the Red Mill said.

"Heh? Well, didn't you see she aimed straight at me? Them reds ain't got
no morals. They'd jest as lief shoot a feller they didn't like as not.
We have to keep 'em down all the time. I know. I been handling 'em for

"Well, sir?" asked Ruth impatiently.

"Why, this Wonota--drat her!--is under contract with me. She's a drawin'
card, I will say. But she's been writin' back to the agency where I got
her and making me trouble. She means to leave me flat if she can---and a
good winter season coming on."

"What do you expect me to do about it, Mr.--er--Dakota Joe?" asked Ruth.

"Fenbrook. Fenbrook's my name, ma'am," tardily explained the showman.
"Now, see here. She's nothin' but an ignorant redskin. Yep. She's
daughter of old Totantora, hereditary chief of the Osages. But he's out
of the way and her guardian is the Indian Agent at Three Rivers Station
in Oklahoma where the Osages have their reservation. As I say, this gal
has writ to the agent and told him a pack o' lies about how bad she is
treated. And she ain't treated bad a mite."

"Well, Mr. Fenbrook?" demanded Ruth again.

"Why, see now. This Injun gal thinks well of you. I know what she's told
the other performers. And I see her looking at you. Naturally, being
nothin' but a redskin, she'll look up to a white lady like you. You tell
her she's mighty well off here, all things considered--will you? Just
tell her how hard some gals of her age have to work, while all she does
is to ride and shoot in a show. All them Injuns is crazy to be
play-actors, you know. Even old Chief Totantora was till he got mixed up
with them Germans when the war come on.

"Huh? You savvy my idee, Miss? Jest tell her she's better off with the
show than she would be anywhere else. Will you? Do as I say, Miss, and
I'll slip you a bunch of tickets for all your friends. We're showin' at
Great Forks on Friday, at Perryville Saturday, and at Lymansburg fust of
the week. You can take your friends in and have fust-class seats to all
them places."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Fenbrook," said Ruth, having difficulty to
keep from laughing. "But owing to other engagements I could not possibly
accept your kind offer. However, I will speak to the girl and advise her
to the best of my ability."

Which was exactly what Ruth did when, later, she and her friends were
met by the Princess Wonota at the exit of the big tent. The girl of the
Red Mill had had no opportunity to explain to Helen and Jennie and Mercy
in full about her interview with Dakota Joe. But she was quite decided
as to what she proposed to do.

"Let us go on to the automobile, girls," Ruth said, taking Wonota's
hand. "We want to talk where nobody will overhear us."

It was Mercy, when they arrived at Helen's car, who put the first
question to the Indian maid:

"Why didn't you shoot that man? I would have done so!"

"Oh, hush, Mercy!" ejaculated Jennie Stone. "She will think you are
quite a savage."

Helen laughed gaily and helped Wonota into the tonneau.

"Come on!" she cried. "Let us smoke the peace-pipe and tell each other
all our past lives."

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