The High School Failures by Francis P. Obrien


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Page 9

There is no difficulty in grasping the simple and definite significance
of these figures, for they tell us that the percentage of pupils
failing increases for the first four semesters, slightly declines for
two semesters, with a greater decline for two more semesters. These
percentages of failures are based on the number of pupils enrolled at
the beginning of the semester, and are accordingly lower than the facts
would really warrant since that number is in each case considerably
reduced by the end of the same semester.


That the failures are widely distributed by semesters, by ages,
and for both boys and girls, is shown in Table I.



TERS 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 UTED TOTALS

1 B. 0 20 321 650 575 167 34 16 2 .. .. 10 1795
G. 1 19 356 813 611 236 67 3 0 .. .. 13 2119
2 B. .. 2 95 423 534 256 57 27 4 .. .. 5 1403
G. .. 6 99 483 589 280 91 5 0 .. .. 7 1560
3 B. .. 0 17 267 443 363 96 22 5 0 .. 2 1215
G. .. 1 28 318 548 317 99 15 0 2 .. 1 1329
4 B. .. .. 5 101 437 403 169 32 7 2 .. 5 1161
G. .. .. 4 102 475 425 160 39 6 2 .. 6 1219
5 B. .. .. 1 19 195 377 214 61 13 3 .. 6 889
G. .. .. 0 15 277 438 212 60 15 0 .. 3 1020
6 B. .. .. .. 4 70 322 326 99 33 3 .. 6 863
G. .. .. .. 9 117 407 349 78 33 4 .. 3 1000
7 B. .. .. 1 0 17 155 227 106 16 4 1 4 531
G. .. .. 0 2 14 200 299 127 38 0 0 3 683
8 B. .. .. .. .. 0 42 173 109 49 2 .. 5 380
G. .. .. .. .. 2 58 244 140 49 10 .. 3 506
9 B. .. .. .. .. .. 0 31 32 18 1 .. .. 82
G. .. .. .. .. .. 4 39 67 31 5 .. .. 146
10 B. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 16 9 3 0 .. 29
G. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 13 10 3 1 .. 30
B. 0 22 440 1464 2271 2085 1328 520 156 18 1 43 8348
G. 1 26 487 1742 2633 2365 1563 547 182 26 1 39 9612

[Footnote A: The expression of the above facts in terms of percentages
for each age group was found to be difficult, since failures and not
pupils are designated. But the total failures for each age group are
expressed (on p. 36) as percentages of the entire number of subjects
taken by these pupils for the semesters in which they failed. Such
percentages increase as the ages rise. A similar statement of the
percentages of failure by semesters will be found on p. 41.]

Table I reads: the boys had 20 failures and the girls had 19 failures
in the first semester and at the age of thirteen; in the second
semester, at the age of thirteen, the boys had 2 failures and the girls
6. For each semester, the first line represents boys, the second line
girls. There is a total of 17,960 failures listed in this table. In
addition to this number there are 1,947 uncompleted grades for the
failing non-graduates. The semesters were frequently completed by such
pupils but the records were left incomplete. Their previous records and
their prospects of further partial or complete failure seem to justify
an estimate of 55 per cent (1,070) of these uncompleted grades as
either tentative or actual but unrecorded failures. Therefore we
virtually have 1,070 other failures belonging to these pupils which are
not included in Table I. Accordingly, since the number can only be
estimated, the fact that they are not incorporated in that table
suggests that the information which it discloses is something less than
a full statement of the school failures for these pupils. In the
distribution of the totals for ages, the mode appears plainly at 16,
but with an evident skewness toward the upper ages. The failures for
the years 16, 17, and 18, when added together, form 68.1 per cent of
the total failures. If those for 15 years are also included, the result
is 86 per cent of the total. Of the total failures, 65.7 per cent are
found in the first two years (11,801 out of the total of 17,960). But
the really striking fact is that 34.3 per cent of the failures occur
after the end of the first two years, after 52.2 per cent of the pupils
are gone, and with other hundreds leaving in each succeeding semester
before even the end of the eighth. In Table II we have similar facts
for the pupils who graduate.

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