The House that Jill Built by E. C. Gardner


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Page 4



On a recent visit to the young woman whose experiences and observations
are contained in this book, I was greatly pleased to find her zeal and
interest in domestic architecture unabated. She sees that there have
been changes and improvements in the art of house building, but
declares that while some of her opinions and suggestions of ten years
ago have been approved and accepted, it is still true that by far the
greater number of those who plan and build houses are guided by
transient fashion, thoughtless conservatism and a silly seeking for
sensational results, rather than by truth, simplicity and common sense.

She has no doubt that her daughter, Bessie, will study and practice
domestic architecture, and naturally expects the houses of the future
to contain charms and comforts of which we have as yet only the
faintest conception.

_Springfield, Mass., November, 1895._


"MR. E.C. Gardner, architect, has consented to write us a series of
articles upon house-building," said one of his associates to the editor
of OUR CONTINENT a few months since. "What do you think of it?"

"We have no sort of use for such a thing," replied the editor. "There
are treatises enough professing to instruct people how to build houses.
You can't make every man his own carpenter any more than you can make
him his own lawyer. More's the pity."

"But I thought you said you wanted some one who had sense enough to put
a thoroughly capable and accomplished housewife's notions of what a
house should be into readable prose?"

"So I did," responded the editor, "and I still want it, and am likely
to want it for a long time. I do not wish articles on _House_-building
but on _Home_-building, and you will never get such from an

"Don't be too sure of that," said the other, who had had a taste of the
writer's quality before. "Suppose he should wish to try it?"

"Well,--let him," was the grumbled assent.

The editor did not believe in architects. He had built one or two
houses that did well enough on paper, but were simply appalling in
their unfitness when he came to try to adapt the occupants to the
earthly tabernacles which had been erected for their use and
enjoyment. He had read house-building books, examined plans and
discoursed with architects until he verily believed that the whole
business was a snare and a delusion. After this experience he had
settled down to the serious belief that the best way to build a house
was to erect first a square building containing but one room, and then
add on rooms as the occupants learned their needs or the family
increased in numbers. In this way, he stoutly maintained, had been
erected all those old houses, whose irregularity of outline and
frequent surprises in interior arrangement never cease to charm. He
asserted boldly that a man's house ought to grow around him like an
oyster's-shell, and should fit him just as perfectly; in fact, that it
should be created, not built. From architects and their works he prayed
devoutly to be delivered, and having theretofore illustrated that part
of the proverb which avers that "fools build houses," he declared
himself determined thenceforth only to illustrate the latter-part of
the proverb:--"and wise men live in them."

Having, however, became sponsor in some sort for what Mr. Gardner might
write, he was bound to give attention to it. Very much to his surprise,
he found it instead of a thankless task, a most agreeable
entertainment. Seldom, indeed, have wit and wisdom been so happily
blended as in these pages. The narrative that runs through the whole
constitutes a silver thread of merriment on which the pearls of sense
are strung with lavish freedom. Every page is sure to contain the
subject-matter for a hearty laugh close-linked with a lesson that may
well be conned by the most serious-minded. The philosophy of
home-building and home-improving is expounded with a subtlety of humor
and an aptness of illustration as rare as they are relishable.

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