Thirteen Months in the Rebel Army by William G. Stevenson


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Page 13

We also made a fine military road, thirty feet wide, cut out of the
side of the bluff, and ascending gradually to the summit. It served
the double purpose of a road, and also a protection for riflemen; as
a bank was thrown up on the outer edge of it breast high. Where the
road reached the summit of the bluff, was placed a six-inch mortar,
mounted on a pivot carriage; and a little further on was a battery,
mounting three eight-inch mortars, which were cast in 1804, and
looked as if they had seen much service. A great extent of ground
was cleared on the summit, and extensive land defences laid out;
but while these were in progress we were ordered away.

The river was blockaded a short distance below Fort Pillow in a
novel, but not very efficient manner. Flat-boats were anchored in
the river about one hundred yards apart, and heavy chain-cables
stretched across them. This was intended to stop the boats which
should attempt to run past the fort, until the land batteries could
sink them. This all did very well, until a rise in the river, when
the boats lifted the anchors, broke the chains, floated away down
the river, and stuck on a bar several miles below. This blockade
was facetiously called by the men, "Pillow's trot-line."

Here again the independent character of the men composing our
regiment showed itself more strongly than at Fort Wright. The
regiment had now been without pay or bounty for nearly four months,
and the men determined to find out why it was not forthcoming. One
morning, at drill-call, the men in my own company marched out and
stacked their arms, refusing to drill. I then proceeded to call the
roll, but no one answered. I then reported to the captain that no
one had answered to roll-call, but that all the "_absentees were
present_" in camp. He ordered me to take a guard and arrest every
one who refused to fall into ranks. But the question now arose,
where was the guard to come from--no one would answer to the guard

The captain went to the colonel, and reported his company in a state
of mutiny. Colonel Walker immediately mounted his horse, and
galloping to our quarters, ordered the men to take their arms and
proceed to the drill-ground. Not a man moved to obey this order,
although a few would have done so had they not feared the vengeance
of their comrades. The colonel stormed and swore, and assured them
that he would have them all shot next morning, if they did not
return to duty; but finally, cooling down a little, he demanded of
them the reason for refusing to do duty. Some of them answered that
they wanted their money. He scornfully asked them, if they came out
to fight for the paltry sum of eleven dollars a month; upbraiding
them with their lack of patriotism. One of the men remarked, that
the officers could afford to be very patriotic, as they drew their
pay regularly every month. The colonel then got wrathful again, and
ordered out the rest of the regiment to quell the mutiny; but in the
mean time they had come to the same resolution, and refused to move.
He then placed all the commissioned officers of the regiment under
arrest, for not quelling the mutiny. As there was but one other
regiment at Fort Pillow at that time, they could not put it down by
force. In two days we were paid, and all returned peaceably to
duty. Colonel Walker was then put under arrest by General Pillow,
and tried by a court-martial, for allowing his regiment to be off
duty for two days, but he was acquitted.

General Pillow, from whom this fort received its name, is a short,
stoutly built man, about fifty years of age; has a mild, pleasant
expression when not excited; firm, large mouth; gray eyes; hair and
whiskers sprinkled with gray. He is fond of the good opinion of his
men, and does every thing consistent with military rigor to gain
their good-will; nevertheless, he is a strict disciplinarian, and
has punished several men with death for desertion and disobedience
of orders.

About the middle of August, General Pillow's division, including my
regiment, was ordered to Columbus. On our way we passed Island No.
10, which was then being fortified, and did not stop again until we
landed at Columbus, Kentucky. This town is situated on the east bank
of the Mississippi river, 140 miles above Fort Pillow, and 20 miles
below Cairo; while, directly across the river, lie two or three
houses which are designated by the name of Belmont.

The hardships of Fort Wright were here renewed; that is, hard work
and harder drill. At one time we worked twelve hours out of every
thirty-six, so that every other work-turn came at night. Generals
Polk, Pillow, Cheatham, and McGown were present day and night,
encouraging the men with words of cheer. General Pillow at one time
dismounted and worked in the trenches himself, to quiet some
dissatisfaction which had arisen. The night was dark and stormy, the
men were worn out, and many gave utterance to their dissatisfaction
at having to work on such a night. General Pillow was sitting on his
horse near by, and occasionally urging on the men the necessity of
pressing on with the work; when an old Mexican war veteran, named
W.H. Thomas, who was allowed some little latitude by his general
called out, "Old Gid, if you think there is so much hurry for this
work, suppose you get down and help us a while." The general, seeing
that he had an opportunity to gain popularity with the men,
dismounted, and laying aside his sword and cloak, worked for several
hours. This was a feather in his cap, in the eyes of the poor
fellows, for many a day.

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