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Page 12
Although no numismatist, yet, being resident at Stockholm, I have taken
steps to enable me to reply to L.'s Query (Vol. ii., p. 408. of "NOTES AND
QUERIES") respecting Charles XII.'s medal in commemoration of the victory
at Holowzin.
No copy of the medal exists in the cabinet of the Royal Museum of
Antiquities; but in that belonging to the National Bank, there is a very
fine example of it in copper, and the inscriptions are as follow:
On the Reverse:--"_Silv�. Paludes. Aggeres. Hostes. Victi._"
In the Exergue:--"_Moschi ad Holowzinum victi A. 1708 3/14 Jul._"
And round the margin the verse from Lucan in question:
"_Victrices Copias Alium Laturus In Orbem_:"
with the substitution of _copias_ for _aquilas_, recorded by Voltaire and
criticised by L.
The same inscriptions are given in Bergh's _Beskrifning �fver Svenska mynt
och Sk�depenningar_, 4to., Upsala, 1773; only he adds, that the inscription
in the margin is only found on some copies.
I may transcribe Bergh's description in full:
"Slagetvid Holofsin.
'119. Konungens Bild och hamnunder Armen NAT. 17. JUN. 1682, SILV�.
PALVDES. AGGERES. HOSTES. VICTI. En Wahl-platz p� hoilken st�r en Rysk
Troph�; och twenne f�ngar derwid bunden. I exerguen: MOSCHI AD
"P� n�gra exemplar �r denna randskrift: VICTRICES COPIAS ALIVM LATVRVS
Could any of your readers obtain from the British Museum answers to the
following Queries respecting Rudbeck's _Atlantica_, for the use of a
Swedish friend of mine.
_British Museum.--Biblioteca Grenvilliana--Olof_
_Redbeck, Atland sive Manheim._
Tomus i. S. anno 1675, 1679.
Has any one of these three copies a separate
leaf, entitled _Ad Bibliopegos?_
If so, which of them?
Has the copy with the date 1679 _Testimonia_ at the end?
If so, how many pages do they consist of?
Have they a separate title and a separate
sheet of _errata?_
Is there a duplicate copy of this separate title
at the end of the Preface?
Tomus ii. 1689
How many pages of _Testimonia_ are there at
the end of the Preface?
Is there, in any one of these volumes, the name of any former owner, any
book number, or any other mark by which they can be recognised (for
instance, that of the Duke de la Valli�re)?
Should there be any other copy of any one of these tomes in the British
Museum, these questions will extend to that volume also.
Stockholm, Dec. 17. 1850
* * * * *
_Fossil Deer (not Elk) of Ireland, C. Megaceros_ (Vol. ii., p. 494.).--Your
correspondent W.R.C. will find in Mr. Hart's description of a skeleton of
this animal (Dublin, 1825), in a pamphlet, published by W. Richardson
(Dublin, 1846, M'Glashan), in Professor Owen's _British Fossil Mammalia_,
and in the _Zoologist_ (Van Voorst) for 1847 and for 1848, p. 2064., all
that is known and much that has been imagined on the subject of his
inquiry. The rib which he mentions is well known, and is in fact one of the
principal bones of contention between the opposing theorists. I never
before heard the story of the specimen shot in 1533, although several years
ago I devoted some time to the subject. I am inclined to suspect that it
must have been found in some Irish manuscript which has been discovered,
since (in the year 1847) some bones of the fossil deer were found in a
certain {27} lake in the west of Ireland in company with those of a turkey.
(See _Zoologist_, ub. sup.)
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