Notes and Queries, Number 62, January 4, 1851 by Various


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Page 13


_Was Quarles pensioned?_ (Vol. i., p. 201.).--I believe that no reply has
been made to this Query. The following passage, transcribed from the
_Epistle Dedicatory_ to the surreptitious edition of Quarles's _Judgment
and Mercy_, affords a slight negative proof to the contrary;--

"And being so usefull, dare not doubt your patronage of this _child_,
which survives a _father_, whose utmost abilities were (till death
darkned that great light in his soule) sacrificed to your service."

Now if Charles had conferred a pension on Quarles, is it not exceedingly
probable that the publisher and dedicator, Richard Royston, would have
recalled so honourable a circumstance to the memory of his "Most gratious
soveraigne King Charles" in this _Epistle Dedicatory_, when he had so
excellent an opportunity of doing so?


_Old Hewson the Cobbler_ (Vol. ii., p. 442.).--I remember that there was a
low song sung at some wine parties in Oxford about fifteen years ago, which
began with the words, "My name is old Hewson," &c. I do not remember the
words, but they were gross: the chief _fun_ seemed to consist in the
chorus,--a sort of _burring_ noise being made with the lips, while the
doubled fists were rubbed and thumped upon the thigh, as if the cobbler's
lapstone had been there.

Was Hewson, the Parliamentarian colonel, a cobbler?


_The Inquisition_ (Vol. ii., p. 358.).--The following reply to IOTA'S
Queries is extracted from _Walchii Bibliotheca Theologica_, tom. iii. p.

"Auctor libri: Histoire de l'Inquisition et son origine. Coloni�
MDCXCIII. 12. qui Jacob Marsollierius est."[1]

Of the history of the Bohemians I can ascertain only that J. Amos Comenius
was the author of the original. (See Walch, tom. iii. p. 265.)

[Footnote 1: _Journal des Savans_, MDCXCIV, p. 331.; _Niceronii Memoir.,_
tom. vii. p. 64.]


_Mrs. Tempest_ (Vol. ii., p. 407.).--In reply to your correspondent
requesting information respecting this lady, I have much pleasure in
sending you the following particulars, which I leave obtained through the
kindness of Colonel Tempest of Tong Hall, the present representative of the
ancient family of Tempest of Tong. Henry Tempest, the oldest son of Sir
John Tempest, Bart., of Tong Hall, by Henrietta his wife, daughter and heir
of Sir Henry Cholmley of Newton Grange, married Alathea, daughter of Sir
Henry Thompson of Marston, county of York, and had two daughters, Alathea
and Henrietta; one of these ladies was celebrated as Pope's Daphne. Henry
Tempest died very young, before his father Sir John; the next brother,
George, succeeded to the title and Tong estates. Daphne was on the point of
being, married very highly, tradition says to the Duke of Wharton, but died
of the small-pox before the celebration.

In the library at Tong Hall there is a painting, by Sir Godfrey Kneller, of
Pope's Daphne.


_Cardinal Allen's Declaration_ (Vol ii., p. 497.).--I am happy to inform
H.P. that the _Declaration of the Sentence and Deposition of Elizabeth, the
Usurper and pretended Queen of England_, alluded to in his note, is in the
Bodleian Library; where, a few days since, I saw Dr. Cumming poring over
it; and where, I have no doubt, he, or any friend, can easily obtain a
sight of it by applying to any of the librarians.


_Cardinal Allen's Admonition_ (Vol. ii., p. 497.).--The _Declaration of the
Sentence and Deposition of Elizabeth, the Usurper and pretended Queen of
England_, will be found accurately reprinted in the Appendix to vol. iii.
of Dodd's _Church History_, edited and enlarged by the Rev. M.A. Tierney,
F.R.S., F.S.A., in whose possession a copy of the Declaration is stated to

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