Notes and Queries, Number 62, January 4, 1851 by Various


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Page 1

Notes on Books, Sales, Catalogues, &c. 13
Notices to Correspondents 14
Books and Odd Volumes Wanted 14
Advertisements 15

* * * * *


The commencement of our Third Volume affords an opportunity, which we
gladly seize, of returning our best thanks to those kind friends and
correspondents to whom we are indebted for our continued success. We thank
them all heartily and sincerely; and we trust that the volume, of which we
now present them with the First Number, will afford better proof of our
gratitude than mere words. Such improvements as have suggested themselves
in the course of the fourteen months during which NOTES AND QUERIES has
been steadily working up its way to its present high position shall be
effected; and nothing shall be wanting, on our part, which may conduce to
maintain or increase its usefulness. And here we would announce a slight
change in our mode of publication, which we have acceded to at the
suggestion of several parties, in order to meet what may appear to many of
our readers a trivial matter, but which is found very inconvenient in a
business point of view--we allude to the diversity of price in our Monthly

To avoid this, and, as we have said, to meet the wishes of many of our
friends, we propose to publish a fifth or supplementary number in every
month in which there are only four Saturdays, so as to make the Monthly
Parts one shilling and threepence each in all cases, with the exception of
the months of January and July, which will include the Index of the
preceding Half-yearly Volume, at the price of one shilling and ninepence
each. Thus the yearly subscription to NOTES AND QUERIES, either in
unstamped weekly Numbers or Monthly Parts, will be eighteen shillings.

Trusting that this, and all the other arrangements we are proposing to
ourselves, may meet with the approbation of our friends and subscribers, we
bid them Farewell! and wish them,--what we trust they wish to NOTES AND
QUERIES--a Happy New Year, and many of them!

* * * * *



Some of your correspondents may be able to give me information respecting
an old ballad that has very recently fallen in my way, on a story similar
to that of Shakspeare's _Winter's Tale_, and in some particulars still more
like Greene's novel of _Pandosto_, upon which the _Winter's Tale_ was
founded. You are aware that the earliest known edition of Greene's novel is
dated 1588, although there is room to suspect that it had been originally
{2} printed before that year: the first we hear of the _Winter's Tale_ is
in 1611, when it was acted at court, and it was not printed until it
appeared in the folio of 1623.

The ballad to which I refer has for title _The Royal Courtly Garland, or
Joy after Sorrow_: it is in ordinary type, and was "Printed and sold in
Aldermary Churchyard, London." It has no date, and in appearance does not
look older than from perhaps, 1690 to 1720; it may even be more recent, as
at that period it is not easy to form a correct opinion either from
typography or orthography: black-letter has a distinguishing character at
various periods, so as to enable a judgment to be formed within, perhaps,
ten years, as regards an undated production: but such is not the case with
Roman type, or white-letter. What I suspect, however, is that this ballad
is considerably older, and that my copy is only a comparatively modern
reprint with some alterations; it requires no proof, at this time of day,
to show that it was the constant habit of our old publishers of ephemeral
literature to reprint ballads without the slightest notice that they had
ever appeared before. This, in fact, is the point on which I want
information, as to _The Royal Courtly Garland, or Joy after Sorrow_. Can
any of your correspondents refer me to an older copy, or do they know of
the existence of one which belongs to a later period? I cannot be ignorant
of DR. RIMBAULT'S learning on such matters, and I make my appeal especially
to him.

It is very possible that it may bear a different title in other copies, and
for the sake of identification I will furnish a few extracts from the
various "parts" (no fewer than six) into which the ballad is divided;
observing that they fill a closely printed broadside, and that the
production is entirely different from Jordan's versification of the
_Winter's Tale_, under the title of _The Jealous Duke and the injured
Duchess_, which came out in his _Royal Arbor of Loyal Poesie_, 8vo. 1664.
It is singular that two ballads, hitherto wholly unknown, should have been
written upon the same incidents of the same drama, although we are yet
without evidence that Jordan's effusion was ever published as a broadside.

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