The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 31, June 10, 1897 by Various


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Page 13

As long as she believes she is right we should not call her hard names
and wish her ill. We ought instead to pray that the good God may show
her the right way, and give her the courage to walk in it.



I want to ask you about the seals; do you think the seals will be
killed any more? I want to ask you where the seals are caught
besides the Bering Sea? And don't you think the bicycle car will be
in Baltimore? I am afraid it will be no good. I want to know how a
car with one wheel that they call a bicycle train runs. Yours

BALTIMORE, MD., May 14th, 1897.


The seal question has puzzled many wiser heads than ours; and no one has
arrived at a proper solution of it yet.

We tell you in our paper this week of a new plan that has been suggested
to prevent the mothers and puppies from being killed.

Seals are found in nearly all waters, but the seal whose fur is so
valuable to us is found only in the North and South Pacific oceans, and
not in the Atlantic.

Seals are found in the Mediterranean Sea, the Caspian Sea, along the
European shores of the Atlantic; off the coast of Greenland, and off the
Atlantic coast of the United States, but these seals have not the under
fur we described to you in THE GREAT ROUND WORLD, and are of little
market value compared with the Pacific Ocean seals.

We do not understand your question about the bicycle car. Explain it
more fully, and we will do our best to answer it.



I am very much interested about Spain and Cuba and the Philippine
Islands, and about the elephants that live in India. I have lately
taken your paper, which comes every week. I have read the first
paper over and I like it very much.

Yours truly,

Many thanks.


I am very much interested in your little paper. It has a great deal
in it for such a little paper. I give it to my teacher. I do not
write many letters so far away as you are, as I live on the other
side of the Great Lakes. I like most of all to hear about the wars,
and hope that Cuba and Greece will win.

I think I had better close now.

Yours truly,


Do not think that you must not write to us because you are far away. For
that very reason there must be numbers of things going on around you
which would be strange to us, and which we would much like to hear
about. Write often, and let the kind post-office show you that you are
not so very far away, after all.

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